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Why go for bad boys?


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Those of you who have been keeping tabs on my story will already know most of what has gone on..if not, a recap:


Last month we were buying a house together and had booked a Holiday for December this year then one day and out of the blue she told me she was unhappy and told me she was bored. She left me after living together for two years. I was - and still am - devastated and in massive shock.


Unsurprisingly everyone she talks to and the majority of her friends - including parents - are also in shock.


HOWEVER i have just received this message on facebook chat whilst discussing with one of her close friends:


i think shes mad! dont think she wants a normal boyfriend think she likes blokes that treat her horrible and dont work! she likes the bad boys shes always been the same!! id try move on and look to the future. x


So, what is it about "bad boys" which makes them attractive? This girl was the love of my life, I have liked her for 5 years but went out for only the last two, so to me it feels like a 5 year relationship.


I have my problems however I also have an excellent job which is very well paid. I drive a very nice car and a glamorous lifestyle - everything I expect a girl to want...so why leave me for bad guys?

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I'm guessing since she said she was bored then she was looking for excitement?


What people want out of relationships varies so much from person to person. What you expect a girl to want might not neccesarily be what she wants, and thats not a reflection on you at all.


So sorry it ended like this for you though.

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Some (most?) people like drama. This is why television is so popular. They need the peaks and valleys versus the stability of the plateau.


I'm sorry for your loss, however try to take comfort in the fact that she'll eventually miss what she once had.

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I have my problems however I also have an excellent job which is very well paid. I drive a very nice car and a glamorous lifestyle - everything I expect a girl to want...so why leave me for bad guys?


I'm sorry for your loss, but this is not everything a girl would want. I think she just needs her time to grow and mature.

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I'm sorry for your loss, but this is not everything a girl would want. I think she just needs her time to grow and mature.


I understand that - but she was 25. How long does it take a girl to mature?


Before me she had several boyfriends who treated her like dirt, one of them even got two separate girls pregnant. Deep down she is a nice girl, perfect in my eyes and spent the last two years telling people how I was the best thing that ever happened to her etc etc...

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Hello hunnie....


Anyways my comments are from a girls view... Im 23 years old and since i was 14 years old, i have dated every bad lad going and absolutely loved it, although there couldnt of cared less about me, it was the excitement, the thrill, the fight... When i was 16 i found someone completely different but he was alot older than me and alot more mature... He treat me lovely... Anything i wanted he would get it for me. Everything couldnt be any more perfect, we were together for 1 year and broke up... Things got sooo stale, we never argued so we never had to make up. He was always working and everything was just soooo routine. Being 16 nearly 17 i was still in my phase of messing around with my friends and being generally mischievous.


When i was 17 i found my now current partner we have 2 kids a dog and a new house to look forward too.... Life SINCE WITH MY PARTNER HAS NEVER BEEN DULL!!!... We argue like mad and make up. Im not saying oh argue all the time cos its certainly not helpful... But i dare say if we didnt of then we probs wouldnt be together now


everyone is different, everyone feels differently.... I dare say in time she will look back and think what a fool for letting him go!!!

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Thanks for that! I kind of agree that she will look back and regret what she has done and although I should't I feel sorry for her, I do!


She has always dated "bad lads" and she has always said that I am "too sensible"...I am lucky in life and have everything I could ask for (bar the girl) but I don't think she realises that with money comes sense - and it is the sense that is boring!


She doesn't have much money but she does want a house, animals and kids - she would have had all of that with me but amazingly threw it away. She has dated - prior to me - several Soccer players for their money but they just see straight through her.


Perhaps she is destined for a life of misery - bad lads will not be able to offer what she says she wants.


It's a sad story really. Her friend went on to say how she has always liked bad lads, met me, seemed to get her life back on track and everyone was happy for her. It seemed to me that out of the blue one day last month she changed - it now dawns on me that whilst she did change she only changed back to her old self - it seems I had the temporary side of her!

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