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Girls just want to have... friendship?

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Hi all,


I really need some advice concerning something. You see, about three months ago, me and my ex-girlfriend since quite a few years back broke up. Having reentered the single life during the last few months, I've been out partying a lot, meeting tons of new, wonderful girls.


I'll be honest. I know most women find me attractive. Heck, I've even worked a brief period as a model a few years time ago. I often get approached by girls at clubs, on the street and so on. And I know most women find me funny, charming and nice. I'm simply that kind of guy that most people find charming, interesting and nice.


I also have no problem picking girls up or getting their phone numbers. My friends envy me for that ability. And you know, the girls I meet that I'm interested in, they all like me. They really, really like me. They call me, they want to see me again, they want to spend a lot of time with me. Sometimes I feel like a damn girls magnet. Most girls love spending time with me...


...as a friend.


That's the problem. Even though I intitially manage to picque their romantic interest, the second time I meet them it always ends with them loving me - as a friend. And I can't take it. It breaks my bloody heart.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, although I suspect it can have something to do with me failing to strike at the right time. I completely suck at approaching women physically - you know, holding, touching, kissing at the "right" time. It feels like I always miss my window of opportunity and am later doomed to simple friendship.


I simply don't know how to take a step in the romantic direction. I'd appreciate any advice. This problem is really killing me.

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touch DOES help, just gotta know how to do in a way that makes her feel at ease.

Since you know that these girls are attracted to you, I would suggest the typical touchy-flirting that we used to do as kids..

But to really start out perfect, just do the simple things like hand-holding at events or playing with her hands like a fortune-teller while complimenting how beautiful she is. In my experience, hugs hardly mix with romance..that's something that you do with any friend. Kiss her on the cheek after a really nice, romantic dinner..basically let her know through the power of touch and the setting that you're interested in her as more than a friend. This is a gradual process, but since you know that these girls are attracted to you, you're halfway there. If touch doesn't work, at least talk about it..but avoid the whole issue about friends-with-benefits..for some people it works, but most people tend to avoid that sort of thing.


Hope this helps

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