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help dont know what to do


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well you will have to work that out when you go then, since you don't want to talk to him until you get there.


look, i know how it feels to break up with someone who you felt was "the one". that it could get no better, but there are 6 billion+ people in the world. he is not the only man with the qualities you say make him perfect for you. here's the thing, if he's so great, what's with all the up and down, i love you, i don't love you, i love you? you don't think it can get any better than that? i do.

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i was just hoping i meant that much to him that we could make this work, after we split and we got back together, he was as happy as i was... we originally split cus he said he didnt love me...when i went back he admitted that he always had done, he was too imature to say it....it was so nice to actually hear him say it... he would even wake me in the night to tell me this... i know he was hurt.. seeing all the guys added on my facebook, but most of them were there way before, he knew about my facebook, i thought hed seen it, but obviously he hadnt, and he said it made him feel insecure, with the distance between us. i never thought this was a problem as he had pages like these our first year together, when i said i didnt like it, he said there was nothing in it, so i thought there wasnt a problem, he also said that he still loved me he just couldnt be with me, i wernt for him, but id heard him say this before and we worked it out...

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