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Help! a month and already she loves me

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I met this girl about a month ago by a mutual friend. During the month we've call each other almost everyday, went out a couple times a week, and i visit her at least 4 times a week just to say hi and talk. We've already kiss plenty of times. 2 days ago she called me up and said she had something to tell me but she said she wanted to tell me to my face. So we went out yesterday and she told me she loved me. I couldn't say that I loved her because its still to soon.


What I want to know is that is it possible for her to love me in a month?

What should I do. I dont want to mess up anything. She said she loved me because I was sweet and had a good personality, and she liked the way I looked. About 2 months ago she had a boyfriend who didn't treat her right. so right now she'll probably will fall in love with any guy she likes

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That's a very good question. I don't think there's necessarily a "time frame" on when you love someone. I do, however, support your feeling that it may be too soon and that possibly she's just overjoyed that you are treating her right compared to that other guy. I suggest that if you don't "love" her that you don't tell her that. I would explain to her that it's early in your relationship and that you really care about her, it's just that love is a very serious word/feeling and you want to make sure it's right before you start telling her that.

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Hey dont worry there is no time frame when a girl really feels everything about a guy trust me I was in the same place that she was in with my x...and I met a new guy and started to date him everything was going so well between us and he was sweet nice and everything I tried not face the fact that I love him in the begging b/c I know that love takes time and that not right now.but he was everything i was looking for and I could not hide my feelings for him and I told him.....its better to say how you feel then to keep it inside b/c it hurts more to keep inside then say anything...k man take care and good luck



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I agree with joshs & may about there not being a "set timeframe" to feel love for someone, but I do think at times these "3 very special words" are used too freely. I, like you, can't just say them back if the feeling isn't there or I'm not ready, which that can make it a bit uncomfortable if your being told...and your not sure how to reply. I would probably have to say I'm flattered, and I care very much for you too, (if you do that is) and I'm looking forward to growing closer as we spend time together.


You have a good point about her having a b/f 2 months ago who didn't treat her right and you are obviously doing the opposite which is sweeping her off of her feet. It's good you realize that, so take your time if you like being with this person...Time will tell, it always does.


Good luck,


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