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I really REALLY like beer like alot of people lol. But anyways i find that most real beer is 1. expensive 2. its alcohol bad on the body 3. the cals 4. It causes me to feel even more worse emotionaly wise, i think much more negativly, and always miserable.


I really would like to stop this cycle. I realize when i don't have beer or any alcohol after a few days i start to feel abit more happy. But to kill the graving for beer i would like to keep drinking the non alcoholic kind.


So will it still make me an unhappy, miserable person, or will it not do as much damage or at all?


I know alot of you think "alcohol is alcohol bad in everway" kinda like coke and diet coke, abit healthier but still bad for you.



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NA beer is pretty harmless stuff.

What's the worry?


It could be me, but i find that booze can take your mood to the next level for me if i'm unhappy and miserable it could make it worse even the next day when its out of your system. But i'll drink it for now and see what happens.



i'm sure it's harmless, probably will be pretty carby but at least you can wain yourself off the alcohol.


It might add the carbs on, it 67 cals and we just orderd a treadmill lol. Wow this beer is flast as fresh paper, it could be cause its cold, tho i find room temp beer much better

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67 cals... sounds like an O'Douls if I remember right. You might give Warsteiner N/A or Clausthaler a try. I think those taste a lot better for N/A's.


O'douls i think the last 3 cans i had to empty out in the sink i thought they were that bad. I got molson 67 its really good had it before, those other i haven't heared of but i'll give it a shot.

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