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My boyfriend wants to have sex and i dono what to do......

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DON'T do it. You are already questioning if you should do it and you are obviously leaning towards no. Sex is something you do when you are completely ready to do it not just physically but mentally. Also do you really want to lose your virginity at this point in your life? If you for some reason go through with it make sure you are protected and have your bf wear a condom. Just tell him that you are not ready to have sex. If he respects you any bit, he will understand.



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Do not, let me stress that.. DO NOT, let a guy push you into anything you are not ready for. If he does then he really isn't a man and showing you respect or even that he cares. Tell him flat out how you feel. If he still pushes you then you know that it's the sex he wants and not you and i would suggest finding someone who will treat you with the respect you deserve. Remember, no means NO.

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Don't let anyone push you into doing something that you're not comfortabe with. There's no need to rush into sex. You will probably end up regretting it if you don't really want to do it. I'm sure you you'll have plenty of opportunities when you are ready. As far as telling him how you feel, you should be straight up and honest with your boyfriend, and if he's not willing to wait for you, then he's probably not worth keeping around anyway. Good luck to you and let me know what happens.


Hope I helped

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I think there is a concensus on this board. DON"T DO IT until you're really ready for it. Sex is a very powerful thing. You'll know when you're ready for it. Any guy who'll push you to do something you really don't want to do is not worth it!!!!!!!


Anyway, I think we also agree, if you do decide to do it, use protection. That means a condom. Don't compromise on that. Use one!

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give it time if you still don't want to do it then tell him. if he tries to make you do something you don't want to do he doesn't care about you. don't rush into losing your virginity i have so many friends who are girls who are 14 and 15 who wished theyd stayed virgin. BTW so you know the first time is usually not as good as experience as ppl say. good luck with your choice


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My advice to you would be "DON'T DO IT." First of all, you're only 14. I think it's kind of young for you to take such a huge step like "sex". Talk to your boyfriend and tell him that you are not ready. If he understands you and is willing to wait until you are older and ready, then you'll know he truly loves you. If he doesn't understand you, then this is a sign that he is simply after the sex. And if this is so, there is a huge possibility that he'll disappear after he has sex with you, specially if he's young like you. Also keep in mind that sex has some risks such as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and pregnancy.


All I can tell you is that once you do it there won't be no going back. Remember think things through before you take a step. Don't do something just because other people are doing it or just to be cool. Be yourself and don't let know one bring you down!!!!


Oh and by the way I'm 20 yrs old and I'm a virgin. I'm not ashamed of being one. I'll do it when I'm ready and when I want. Hope this makes you feel better...

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I was in your same shoes when I was younger, and my boyfriend who was to years older than I was wanted us to have sex. It was one of the most regretful mistakes of my life. Wait to you have no doubt in your mind that the decision is right. Good luck sweetie.

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youve got to understand your only 14 you have 4 years before its evev legal for you to have sex you shouldnt do it if your not possitive and about the std's i assumed you already thought about all that.god kids sure do start having sex young these days my friend lost her virginty when she was nine i dont think your ready id say no if i were you but its your choice


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thank you guys u really helped but i really like him and i dont want to scare him off yall helped me to find a descion in my mind but i dont wanna be mean about it i kno its a big deal and all and we have thought all this through like what he would do if i had a baby and all but i dono if he will still wanna be with me and i wanna be with him i keep trying to get him to push the time back but he just wont its like hes benn planning this from the start and we havent even been going out for a week!!!! i mean am i screwed or what i feel so lonly without a bf and i dont kno y... i think mabye its cause i dont have a good home life but that a whole differnt story (or post lol) but i feel this void when i dont have a bf for som reason......... i need help im addicted to love

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I think we found the problem... Sex will not cure a self esteem problem hun, it'll only make it worse. Being your age, there will be many more opportunities for a relationship. I wouldn't waste my time on someone who was pushing me into something and obviously did not care about my feelings or me. You've said you care about him and want to stay, but how much does he care about you? We've all tried to make that point to you that his actions by pushing you is not caring and that you still have time to find someone who will care about you. Besides, good things are worth waiting for. Good luck hun, and be smart.

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StarBrite is right, sex will probably make you feel worse in the long run. It worries me that you have only been going out for a week and he is pushing for sex. You may feel like you like him a lot, but you are only 15, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but be careful, throw back the ones that don't respect you.


Rhetorical question, but have you tried masturbation, it can help (head to the orgasm form for questions on that tho).

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