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I just got a massage from her that she wants to meet me at her home with her family.I had No Contact Implemented .But i even then saiud Yes to her..

Pretty Confused,you can say i am a bit guilty of what i did.Should i go,let me tell you first that she had already refused me and we were good friends.

So shuld i go to see her or not.

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I would be wary when it comes to no contact orders, it could be a trap that has been set up. Do you really want to take the fall if her intentions are not just and true. Or do you trust that it will be a safe situation to go into. She could have others there waiting for your arrival to teach you a not so nice lesson. I have seen it happen several times before. Just caution when it comes to giving into her invite to break the no contact order.

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Thanks for such an urgent reply for me.I really appriciate.

Actually,I was feeling depressed without her,becaused i loved her too much,and you can imagin how hurty it is when you come to know that the world you have been watching was just a dream in front of your eyes,but the bottom line is that she went with another guy.

I Broke with her,but then she came back to me and told me that iwas the only one she wanted.

But you can imagin,Once you break up,its very difficult to make it again in the same way.

So i went ahead with NO CONTACT,and now she is actually moving to another Country,and she asked me she wanted me to come to her home for the last time as she will not be able to see me again in her life.

I got melted and Said Yes,

But i am totally out of my mind about her,every time i think about her,i always hear a Big "NO" which she said when i purposed her.

I said Yes to her last request a few minutes ago.

I have to be there after 3 hours for some time.

I am confused,Should i go to see her or not.

lease help me get out of this bad situation.

I really have lost my mind....Please help

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I'm heading into a sililar sort of situation where my ex-gf is moving to China to work for several years.


On one hand, if she asks to go you feel that it's nothing more than a good-bye (although it might be more than that)


On the other hand, if you don't go then it would be a bad case of sour grapes.


Bit of a catch-22!!


I would say, if she has initiated it, then go, be civil and say good-bye.

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