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Extremely Frustrated.

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So, right now my parents (because of my DAD) is unofficially Chapter 13. They go to court for it this summer. And they've gone through Chapter 11 years and years ago. Like in the late 90's they filed for it. And I still live at home and this is stressing me out. I just put in for a loan for Fall semester at community college here. It be my third straight semester as I am finishing up Spring and starting Summer two weeks after, in both cases I PAID for tuition and books, minus this summer for books, most likely.


I just need to tell someone...get it off my chest.

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Hey Panther,


I feel you. I'm about to file Chapter 11. For my own credit...because of my mom.


(New adage: Love means never having to say you'll co-sign)


Life is rough. Proud of you for staying in school and fighting through.


Yeah, can they even co-sign for my loan for Fall semester? Surely it won't be high, as I am only taking 2-3 classes a semester instead of the 5 I took for Spring.


Took two math's which don't count towards my GPA. Got a B in Intro to Sociology, doing well in Western Civilization 1, get final grade this week, and got auto dropped from Public Speaking, but was told that won't hurt my current 3.0 GPA. But being jobless for nearly a year and this....isn't helping me out much.


Wait, why are you filing because of your Mom?

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Sign of the times, kid. Sucks


My dad had a crap load of credit cards (again, like Chapter 11, I think). And he fell victim to that SMC scam where you can own your own online business and sell stuff. Like it cost you thousands of dollars to have them make him a website and stuff and of course he barely sold any stuff.*facepalm*


I hope I never go bankrupt.

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My dad had a crap load of credit cards (again, like Chapter 11, I think). And he fell victim to that SMC scam where you can own your own online business and sell stuff. Like it cost you thousands of dollars to have them make him a website and stuff and of course he barely sold any stuff.*facepalm*


I hope I never go bankrupt.


Wow... that was... ill-advised of him.

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Wow... that was... ill-advised of him.


Yeah. I believe he didn't talk it over at all to anyone as he makes all the money in the household. Well, pal, you caused bankruptcy two friggin times. like head butting a friggin wall. And my parents never get along oh hell no. And my brother is deaf and he never behaves. He always leaves the damn tv and PS3 on. I ain't buying a new tv cause the wanker likes leaving stuff on 24/7. I can't even play sports games on the PS3, cause the tv in his room is all messed up at the top. The PS2 makes a buzzing noise when on...cause he did the same * * * * leaving it on all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunno if this is right forum, but it's my thread and somewhat related.


I'm just mad. Really mad and I can't put up with mom, brother, and my dad. Bankruptcy twice...my deaf bro bugs me, always gets his damn way...wasn't rasied right...my dad is always moody and a bastard, short temper. I almost cut my wrist when I lost my cool tonight...instead, I shredded my upper left arm. Don't worry...not deep cuts, i cleaned the wounds and put two big bandaids over them. And this isn't the first time I've done this. Once in ablue moon I do this to myself. Or I hurt my head, or I throw a book into the wall in my room, when my parents are fighting. I don't want help, cause it won't matter, just want to vent.

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