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hey guys..


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If you meet a girl, and you take the time to go sit by her, and you find out you have a ton in common, and you see her more and more at things that you enjoy as well, and the more you talk and get to know her, the more you smile and become more attentive towards her. how do you know if you want to pursue her as a relationship or just be her friend? are there any things you do to maybe drop a hint you like her?


just curious.

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If you meet a girl, and you take the time to go sit by her, and you find out you have a ton in common, and you see her more and more at things that you enjoy as well, and the more you talk and get to know her, the more you smile and become more attentive towards her. how do you know if you want to pursue her as a relationship or just be her friend? are there any things you do to maybe drop a hint you like her?


just curious.


Only one way to find out. I'd try to at least get a phone number or something from her. Hopefully she'll accept and then just take it from there. As far as relationship is concerned, well, only time would tell.

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Try and spend a little more time with her, flirt a little - that's a sure-fire way to say "hey, I'm attracted to you" and yeah, ask her for her number. If she gives it to you, I think it's safe to say she's at least interested in getting to know you.


However I am confused by the question regarding how does one know if they want to pursue a relationship or just be friends... I would think that's up to you and whether or not you see her as more than just a friend.

If you feel something more than just a friendly bond, I'd say at least give it a shot - you've got nothing to lose really


Best wishes

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I have a few best friends who are girls but there's no spark, no physical chemistry (even though they are attractive). Do you still feel nervous when you're her? Do you hope to graze their hand accidentally? or take in a scent of her perfume? If yes to any of these, or others, ask her out. If there's no spark, just continue to be her friend.

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