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My boyfriend broke up with me for no reason

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My problem is this: my boyfriend broke up with me without any explanation, but only called and said he wanted to talk. . .which sounded like he wanted to break up. We planned on meeting in person but he disappeared after that and turned his cell phone off so I couldn't talk to him. I feel cheated after having loved him so much and not receiving any explanation for why he wants to break up.


I know this was probably for the better since he was over twenty years my senior, and we had broken up previously because he thought the age difference would pose too many problems in the future (even though it was he who had pursued me). I had contacted him after that and told him we couldn't predict the future. He agreed and we rekindled the relationship. Three weeks later he called as I mentioned above.


I felt so offended by his actions that I wrote him a letter explaining how I felt and I went to his house to retrieve something of mine. When I arrived he made no apology for not calling and cutting off communication. He was rude and acted like he didn't care. So, I gave him the letter and left.


I am just so hurt. I wonder if I did the right thing by not responding to his rudeness. Should I have yelled at him? When I see him again, should I act like everything is fine?

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I have to say that I agree with the other posters. This man appears to have no respect for your feelings or for you as a person and you don't deserve to be treated the way he is treating you. He sounds like a real scumbag. I wouldn't worry about whether or not you did the right thing, just be glad he's out of your life now and you are free to find someone who won't treat you that way. You are still so young, you have plenty of time to find mr. right, I wouldn't waste any more time worrying about this person if I was you. I know, easier said than done ;-) but ideally, you should not worry about him anymore.


best of luck!



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Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I just needed to hear what other people had to say. . .and after talking to my friends and hearing others' opinions, I have some more peace of mind.


I think I realize now that not only did this man have no respect for me, but he obviously had some of his own insecurities and issues that have nothing to do with me.


Even though we were dating for such a short time, the difficult thing is that I think I fell in love with him. Despite him being such a jerk as of recent, he was such a loving and affectionate man and he made me feel so good. Now I feel like crap, of course, but anyway, it is better that we're through. I was probably too confident and mature and ambitious for him anyway.


For now, I just need to get out there and meet some people and try to recover as best as possible. It's hard starting over, but I think I learned some valuable lessons here. Also, I think I just need to demand a little more from others. I mean, it's okay to tell people what you want. I'm just going to try and not be so intimidated or fearful.


Thanks so much for the advice!

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