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sorry it's nasty. (female orgasm question)

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okay sorry to all that think this is nasty, but i always ask these questions here, 'cause i can't anywhere else.


okay so i wanted to know, how do you know if you have an orgasm? i mean i think i have before, but i don't know.


and is it true that some girls can't? and how do you actually get yourself (with a partner) to have one?


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You will be pretty sure if you do have one. There is a gradual build up of tension in you, as you get closer, then all that tension will tend to release in a wash of feelings and sensations. You'll feel happy and warm after.


I'm sure others will post more details.


There do seem to be women who never do have them. Some of it is getting to be in the right frame of mind. It seems harder for some women to have their first orgasm if they are actually trying to reach that point as a goal. They put stress on themselves, and that's counter productive.


I have met women who have not had one until they are in their 30's. They were becoming convinced they never would until it did actually happen to them.

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Ash is right on.


I'll try to describe some more and test if I am on the right track...


Over the love making time (say 20+ minutes of foreplay (cuddling/kissing/massaging to start with), a woman would be getting more and more "hot and bothered". Her mind has to get in the mood a lot more than a guys (his can turn on in seconds)


Basically your vagina starts to "sweat" and gets wet with lubrication in preparation for the "doing the nasty" part you were talking about, otherwise known as intercourse.

Nipples get harder. Red flush over the chest below the neck. (blood circulation) The entire body is more sensitive to touch and is very awake and aware. (adrenaline) Person feels less pain. (endorphins). Your entire body may start to perspire as well from the increasing excitement.

Heart is pumping faster. Your brain and body are all "turned on".


Now... the orgasm part, generally the woman would reach the peak of excitement after the build up mentioned before and suddenly she'll feel most of her body's muscles tense and then she would likely have a few uncontrollable muscle spasms in the vagina and perhaps other muscles too, then perhaps a few waves of pleasant feelings passing over her from head to toe. She might feel dizzy. She'd hear her heartbeat in her ear. (other sounds get blocked out from the blood pressure) She'd feel that nothing else exists in the world but right now. Then feelings of relief would wash over. Complete relaxation. Everything would feel lifted. Contentedly tired, like after a good work out at the gym. Now for women they are still in an excited state and could build up again to the climax for a second go within 5 minutes if they wanted to, while guys may take 30 minutes to many hours to be able to climax again.


The thing that is different about girls versus guys is the guys tend to have a powerful climax then immediately (1-2 minutes) come down off the high and feel so relaxed they can fall into a deep sleep soon afterwards. While women come down after the climax but they take 10-15 minutes to ease out of the excited state, which explains why women really need to have post cuddle time =)



Best way for a woman to have an orgasm is to do it to herself with self-stimulation. But the next best option might be for the guy to be a man and use oral and hand stimulation on his girl until she is satisfied. Just take a night and say tonight is for the woman and he is to be her love slave and do everything she wants. His satisfaction is not even considered for a while. No expectations are on the woman, she can be completely relaxed, she doesn't have to do or perform anything. It's in a warm comfortable state like that that may let the woman be free to let her self go completely.




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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm first you need to do it through masturbation.


Lie down with a steamy novel or whatever turns you on and read it. Then touch your vulva between the lips and just near the top of the lips you should feel a hard lump just above your wee hole. Play around with that for a while and you should start to feel good.

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