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gf tell feriend what we did together

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well you see me and my gf had some times to are self. and we did some suff.but my gf when to her freiends and total her what we did to gether. but you see we relly love eacher.we have been going for 8 monts now.but what am i stopost to do. is that ok if she is telling a friend or what.please help me

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Are you ok with it? Do you care if her friends know? To some people that is personal stuff that should be kept private, but to others its no big deal if everyone knows about it. If you aren't ok with it tell her. Tell her that you think those are things that should be kept private. If she respects you, she should stop & understand.

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Some people like to discuss it with a few close friends to gain some perspective, to clarify etc.. I'd say definitely not discussing it with just anyone. Some others would rather just read about it to find out information and feel it's too private to discuss outside the relationship.


Agree with the above post, if you're not comfortable with it, tell her, and set some guidelines.

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Are you ok with it? Do you care if her friends know? To some people that is personal stuff that should be kept private, but to others its no big deal if everyone knows about it. If you aren't ok with it tell her. Tell her that you think those are things that should be kept private. If she respects you, she should stop & understand.


Yes, I think Maggie said it all.


She might think it's ok to share when you do not feel the same way though. It's all a matter of perspective. Talk to her and let her know that you are not too comfortable with her sharing about your personal experiences with her friends. She should be able to understand.

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