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My anger took hold of me when I talk to my ex today,I began to tell him that he dont come see me or call me anymore that I miss hanging out with him because he is cool to hang out with.I told him that it has nothing to do with what he needed and me not giving the space he needs to him just that I miss hanging out and that this is how I feel,He then started to get mad and tell me that this is what he wanted and that I should not be talking to him about this that it shouldnt have even been brought up and I told him I understand that but then he went on to tell me that he wanted time away from me,So I then said do you want me to leave you alone?He said if your going to act like this then yes I said ok then he said that either I can do this now or forever,I then said ok and he got off the phone I dont think I made him to happy by doing that but I just could not control myself from opening my mouth and speaking,What do I do now?I hope I didnt jeoperdize anything I just felt I had to speak my mind,He seemed angry and mad about me bringing up this,Well now I feel really weird because I hope I didnt mess anything up I hope that atleast he can understand what I meant,What do you all think and please let me know I need help from someone???Now im so confused why I did it in the first place because I do want him back and I have been keeping things cool,I also said havnt I been giving you space he said after what you just said you think your giving me space?It kinda hurts me that he wants time away from me and he always told me after the breakup that he wants this time,What is it that I can do now??He told me when we broke up that if he wanted to be in a relationship it would be with me and I believe him its just so hard not seeing or talking to him please helppppp!!!!!!!

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Here's what you need to do… You need to stop calling his ass.. This guy has way too much ego. He knows he can have you when he wants…. He knoews u will be there for him. He thinks your life depends on him… do you really want someone who doesn't love you as much as you love him. I know it's hard to admit it, because we all have this problem: we all deny the reality.

But look at you, you love him and you want be with him… he says he loves but he doesn't want be with you.. That means his love is not as great as yours…. So believe me, one day, somewhere, you will have a greater love. Someone who would want to be with you no matter what!

I know it's hard, Believe me, myself I am going through the worst of all. My boyfriend of four years, broke up with me out of blue. He went to visit his family in Los Angeles and decided to stay there a day before he was suppose to come back and told me this over the phone. And since then (21 days) we haven't talked). And I use to see him everyday….

So believe me I know what you're going through… I know it's hard… it's like a drug, you crave it…but remember drugs are DESTRUCTIVE!

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I have one piece of advice for you. No matter what you do stop all communication with him. You are a prime canadate for the NO CONTACT RULE!!!! Stop all contact and let it go. You deserve better than what this man is able or willing to give you. Why should you put your life on hold because he is confused or "needs time"?


Don't talk to him, no IM's, no TXTs, no nothing. Let him miss you and that is all you can do. Go out and have fun that is the best medicine for a broken heart.

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Thankyou for the advice its hard and im sorry for what your going through as well thanks for the advice from both of you its like ppl try to tell you need to do nc this and that and im so hard headed i dont listen why can i just except it and move on even though he tells me he is going to come back

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You just gotta be strong and not call him or talk to him at all!!...afterwhile you'll start to realize he wasn't ever worthy of your love and support to him and you'll find someone who is worthy of it because you'll have someone who cares about you and wouldn't break your heart like your ex has done to you


Be Strong and stick with it!



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You must accept that you deserve better than the way he is treating you. I can understand that all the good memories come flooding back in no matter what you do your reminded of them. 1adam2 is absolutely correct about how in time you will realize that he was not worthy of your love. You have to respect his wishes as well when he tells you to stop calling you must do just that. I realize that it is very hard and emotionally draining but, if you care for this guy that much the least you can do is respect his wishes. Break all contact and go out with friends. Have fun and forget this guy because in the long run it will be his loss.


I know it is hard but do the right thing...



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