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i broke his heart. it hurts so much.

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last week i broke my now ex's heart. i broke up with him, and although i still feel it was the right thing to do, i feel so terrible, i am crying constantly, and i already miss him.


i am not in love with him, but i do love him. we were great friends, and i have been friends with him since i was 14. now it's all over. he is devastated. he tells me i was his one true love, and he never wants to date again, that life isnt worth living without me and that life has no meaning without me.


its killing me knowing i have caused so much pain, he's a mess. i saw him today and he hasnt showered or slept, he's just breaking down. i care so much for him, to see him like this and know i am causing it is so hard for me.


i know what he is going through is worse, but i need some advice on how to get around this.

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You can't go through life and expect to not hurt anyone colbysweet. Everyone suffers heartache at some point in their life. It's a growing experience that only makes us stronger. He will get through this and so will you. Trust me, you will. I realise this will be of no comfort right now (it wasn't for me), but time does heal all wounds.


Stay strong. Be mature about the situation. Think before every action you make from now on, for his and your sake. If you think by contacting him you'll be giving him false hope, don't contact him. He doesn't deserve to be led on. If you think by apologising to him again he'll only lay on some more guilt (e.g. "You were my one true love", "Life isn't worth living anymore"), don't apologise. You don't deserve to be guilt tripped like that.


It's self-preservation mode now, for you AND him. Cry your little heart out colby. Talk to us here, go for a walk, write a letter, paint, eat, scream, exercise, ANYTHING! You can't blame yourself for this. If there was no fixing the relationship or you couldn't imagine a future with your ex, it would not have been fair on you or him to continue.


As long as you know you've done the right thing, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Keep us posted colbysweet.

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