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Help!! My Partner wants a break..

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I have been going with my girl for 3 months now, though I have known her for 5 years and we both always liked each other. We both get on very good together have a lot in common, recently though she decided that she needed a break from the relationship, her excuse was that she just got out of a serious relationship, but this happened weeks before we started seeing each other. Why would it take 3 months for her to figure out she wasnt ready?

She still likes me , though shes not telling me if theres a chance of us getting back together, i really like her and I dont know what to do? SHould I leave her alone for now?? Or try and win her back?

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Hi there,


I'd suggest leaving her alone for now since she asked for a break. A few weeks is not enough to get over a serious relationship. It seems as though she jumped into one with you without giving herself time to work through her feelings from the past one. Unresolved issues will come up. Perhaps the two of you were getting a bit more serious after three months and she realized she wasn't ready. She was quite likely just looking for some comfort and companionship. This was a rebound relationship that seems to have run its course.


You can try things again with her once she's ready, and you will have a fairer chance going in.

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Agreed with the other posters, just leave her be. Go back to having her as an acquaintance type friend, don't mention the relationship. In fact, the best thing you can do is to move on and start dating again. It's the same old story, you only want something you think you can't have.


Basically the idea is, without being a jerk, you need to show her that you are cool about her decision and that you are going right back out into the dating game again. As you are a "catch" yourself...and for your own good...don't waste any sleepness nights or anything thinking if she wants you...if she does...SHE has to be the one to come after you anyways...so in the meantime do what Agent said and start dating again...

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