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I'm lonely. criticize away and say useless <> like "put your self out their", "go bowling or join


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I'm lonely. I only have one real friend that's kind of cut me off since he's cheating on two girls at the same time. I can't get a girlfriend. I have never had a girlfriend and have never even hold hands or kissed a girl either and i'm 20. I only make $60 a week. I can't keep a job for more than a month before I get "laid off" or "terminated" code word FIRED. The only reason why I have the one I have now is because my uncle owns the business. I have only had 4 jobs since I was 16 which all lasted at most 1 month and on average one week even though I've applied more than 300 hundred times (at different places of course). I'm $2700 in debt. I had to drop college because I can't afford it since my financial aid wont help me anymore since my GPA went below 2.0 because I can't pass math witch I've taken for 3 times. My mom makes fun of me and insults me on a daily basis and tells me I'm a loser while she favorites my sister over me. my dad ignored me mostly throughout my childhood and never took me fishing, or to the park or that kind of stuff and even once decided to fight me. My sister doesn't talk to me very much and she has never socialized with me in her life. I cry myself to sleep sometimes. hopefully if i get into Florida State Trooper Academy my life might just turn around. Anyways it feels good to let it all out.

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just fyi it seems like you just wanted to vent and we have a journals section if you dont want to be 'criticized' or hear 'useless sh**'.


its good you are trying to get into trooper academy. maybe you should join one of the forces or a national guard type of thing? really helps get your financial/academic/career paths started.

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How hurtful that must be to come from such an non-supportive family. You are not a loser and you are not useless. Prove them wrong. Your life is in YOUR hands and you have the power to make yourself happy. Don't worry so much about girls and girlfriends right now. That stuff will come, but it sounds like you need to be putting energy into yourself first.


I would tackle one area of life at a time. What things do you have some control over that you can start to change now? Debt? Job?


When will you know about the Trooper Academy?

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I'm going to try and be constructive here, at the risk of being flamed for saying useless I've met a lot of people who feel the same way and I've seen them turn their life around by simply picking up a pair of boxing gloves or an instrument. They'd fall in love with the hobby and it would be the catalyst that turned their life around. Just a suggestion.

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Why don't you look into joining the Navy or Army or Air Force? It would be PERFECT for you! You can get training in a great field and that training will translate into a REAL job when you get out in two years. Plus, it will get you away from your insulting parents, deadbeat friend, and it will build your confidence so that you CAN go out and meet girls. And you may be able to get a signing bonus so you can pay off your debt. And they will help you with your math.


All rolled up into one neat package.

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