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Is money a factor in choice of friends?

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I come from an average income family. We live in the suburbs and we are not finacially challenged at all but we are not wealthy by any means of the imagination. There are some kids at my school who are more priveledged than others. Do you think people take in the account of money for who their friends are? I remember a long time ago, maybe I was maybe 10 or 11 or something, I dont remember but I thats besides the fact. Anyways I was in the car with my friend and his mom and his sister. His sister was older probably 15 or so and she asked her mom if she could goto some girls house later that her mom did not know. Her mom then asked something to the effect of "Is her house acceptable", her daughter replyed "Yeah they arent poor or anything". And then the mom agreed that her daughter could goto the other girls house. But what if the girl's family wasnt that well to do? Would the mom have denied her daughters request just because she didnt have a lot of money? That seems very shallow. Do you think that a lot of people are like that? If you had more materially to offer to people are they going to choose you over someone who maybe a better person but have less money? I dont like to think that that is the case but Im afriad I believe it is. What do you all think?

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I am not like that but everyone has there ways and ppl can be like that but I dont think it is right I think that money should have nothing to do with who your friends are your friends are your friends because of who they are and not how much money they have right?I just think some people look down on others which is wrong.I never look down at anyone because everyone may not be the same but we are all living in a world together why not just live and stop trying to be better or think down or judge there is alot to this but in my opinion I dont see why someone would look down on another for having less money just my opinion

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For the snobbier types who aren't worth your time, it may matter. For others it won't - so long as you can pay your way in whatever activities you share together. The fact that one person is richer than the other does not make it okay for that person to assume all the bills for entertainment. Any person who always has to pay will be reluctant to continue a friendship.


Perhaps the conversation you overheard was from a family of snobs. Perhaps they were just ignorant and to them "poor" is a synonym for unstable or immoral to the girl who said it and the mother simply understand what was meant.

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It shouldn't matter, especially the incident you described but I can see where it can matter.


How would youngsters feel if their parent's were on opposite ends of the income spectrum and they became friends. Wealthy friend may be able to participate in a lot more activities and outings than Disadvantaged friend. Wealthy friend could end up feeling sorry for or feeling obliged to pay Disadvantaged friend's way. While Disadvantage friend may feel the inequality and too proud to accept Wealthy friend's generosity.


It's a difficult one, granted. Very interesting post.

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