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She says she misses me and wants me back?

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A month ago my girl friend broke up with me, we were together for almost 5 months, we were a really loving and stable couple, when we broke up no body could believe it not even my self. With in the first week I asked her to get back with me three time, she would say that she was better by her self, we ended being only friends. The week after she got back with her ex-boyfriend that really broke my heart , I was really mad at her and hated her, A week ago there was this party and most of her friends went, but she didn't go. At the party I meet this girl that was really good looking, I asked her to go outside with me, all of my ex-girlfriend's friends saw us when we left they told her everything about it. Four days later my ex calls me and asked "how come you dont talk to me anymore" and I said " because I don't feel good talking to you. We talked for about an hour, yesterday she called me again and tells me that theres not going to be another boyfriend like me, that i was the best one she had so fur and will always be, and she also said she doesn't understand her self, I asked her that why did she get with her ex and she said i dont know. After a while of talking she tells me really why she's being calling me, she said that she misses me and wants me back, she is still with the other guy, and i asked her if she would brake up with him and get back with me she said that she does not know, because then that guy was going to talk s&*t about her, then I said " then why am i even taliking to you, then she said that she would find a way to break up with him, she also told me that she hasn't tell anybody she's being calling me not even her best friend, and she asked me to keep it on the low. Now the question is: SHOULD I GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE OR NOT? BECAUSE I KNOW THAT SHE IS GOING TO BREAK UP WITH THE OTHER FOOL BECUASE OF ME I KNOW THAT SHE DOESN'T LIKE THE OTHER GUY AND I KNOW THAT SHE STILL HAS FELLINGS FOR ME.

We had breaking up before, she was the one that broke up with me, that was after the 3 first months, but within 12 hours she called me and asked me to get back with her, and I did right of way

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Dude... I think she's toying with you. See, i think she doesn't value the relationship as much as you do. You say she broke it before. After about 2 times of breaking up (for stupid reasons), the relationship becomes a joke. The fact that she wanted you back after her friends saw you with another girl says something. Also, the fact that she went back to her ex says the same thing. SHE IS UNSURE about everything in her life.


Personally, i don't think you should get back with her. My motto is: "If they've done it before, they can do it again". See, if you come back to her, your giving her power, the "upperhand". Powerplaying is what she's doing.


I would say that the fact that it was easy for you to get a girl's attention. You are much better off without her stupid games and get a deserving other!



That's what i think!


Wellllll Post back!

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Thanks for your opinion, my mom tells me that too, but that is just a part of the story because she never played on me or anything, and i know that for a fact, bacause she was always at home after school, when ever i called her she was there or out with her sister whom don't let her have a boy friend but me, even my friends tell me that she is a relationship type of girl, we've been through a lot of stuff such as valintin's day, her parents didn't let her go out and she snicked out of her house just to see me a lot of people was hating on our relationship, etc. When ever she could, we would talk on the phone for hours Sometimes at night when she couldn't talk, she would call me just to tell me that howmuch she loved me, she is still a virgin and when we were together she used to tell me that she wanted to lose it to me, i love her very much and i would tell her to wait because i respected her. We would always be together; hugging, kissing, holding hands, ect.. even in front of her ex, now that she is with the other fool, she does not do all of that with him in front of me, they don't even hold hands, after the break up, i knew that she was going regret it and will want me back, no one knows her better than i do and i always knew that she had feelings for me even when she wasn't my girlfriend yet.

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Here's one for you:


"Hurt me once-- shame on you. Hurt me twice-- shame on ME."


Sounds to me like she wants to hide your relationship-- and if this other guy talks crap about her, and she's SO concerned with HER reputation,, I totally agree that she's not worth your time. I am in a similar, or should I say, my XXBF is in a similar predicament... Anyone who claims to love you, should be proud of that. Sure, she made a mistake ONCE-- but for pete's sake, its like she's shopping for shoes.... You're her regular old pair of tennis shoes-- all worn in, but comfortable.. Then she sees a newer, cleaner pair... looks more comfortable... She tosses you in the closet, buys these new pair, but they don't fit right.... so what does she do?? Toss those away, and put her old ones back on (you)-- until another pair looks a little more appealing, she'll do the same thing..


Misguided? Heh, thats an understatement for this girl. She's clearly not in any condition to have such a nice guy like you. Be firm, let her know that you're not her toy, and that she made the decision to leave YOU--- She's taking advantage of the fact that deep down, she KNOWS you'll take her back--- that those old shoes will STILL fit, and be just as comfortable as before....


Well hon, its time to tie your laces in knots so she can't slip her feet in anymore... These shoes are made for walking.... and thats what it should do....

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