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Healthy or Stereotype...?

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Well, I've come to the point in my life where I want to get a bit more healthier. I am what most people would call a geek, but you wouldn't know it if you saw me on the street. I am extremely broad shouldered and 6'2". I want to start running and lifting weights so i can be more healthy, but I don't want women to think of me as self-centered and what not. There are some pretty bad stereotypes for really strong people. Any thoughts and/or advice?



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You sound similar to me. I am one of the largest geeks on campus (a techie, webmaster, object-oriented programer, etc.) yet I am 6'2", and run Cross Country, Track and lift weights. I don't look exceptionally strong or anything, but I definitely don't look like a geek. The best thing I can think to do, though, if you're worried about what people think of you, is to not care. Honestly. As ang3l2004 said, just do whatever makes you happy. People see that and respect that, especially girls (at least the good ones). When suddenly they see everyone else trying to fit in, and you not caring one bit, they'll respect that, or at least they have in my case. If you do follow my advice, though, just make sure you don't try not to fit in, but just the same, don't try to fit in. Just be yourself. Good luck.

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Eh, you say that people have bad stereotypes for really strong people... but you don't want to be "really strong", you just want to be "healthy". So aim for "healthy", not... "Professional Body Builder".


And if you are worried about what women think... don't. If you are happy with your body, then the women that matter will be happy with it too. And honestly, what sane girl can resist a 6'2", "healthy", geek?


Oh, and... people will only think that you're self centered if your entire conversation goes, "Oh, I ran 40 miles the other day, lifted 400 pounds, did 4000 sit-ups, and I don't even feel tired!"

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Hmm... I guess most of that makes since. And ang3l2004 i define the word geek (i like being one). I do most of the techie stuff that A4B4 mentioned, but It's more fun that being outside for the entire day. Hmm... I will go dwell on this for a bit..



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Hi Runesoul,


I know what you mean by stereotypes. I dislike it when people don't know others, and start talking trash about them for whatever reason. I got caught up in that situation once in high school. Of course, because it's high school! Some girls said that I thought I was too good for their click, and went off on all of this trash-talking nonsense! I'm sorry if I wasn't fake and tried to converse with them. I was like you, a bookworm/nerd. I had my separate group of friends, who I did party with, but was different in school. I never understood what those girl's problems were!


Oh well! There will always be that 'one' person, who will talk trash, and try to get you down. Ignore them. This is how I see it: If they're too pathetic to sit around and pick on others, then it's their LOSS! It's sad that they have to sit around and be so critical about everyone, or at least anyone who's happy. They love being miserable. And if they can bring someone down, they will. Some people are just nasty like that. It's like they're born to be mean! I don't get it. Just feel sorry for them.


Happy and confident people, are usually confortable with who they are. So they don't find the 'need to put others down It doesn't mean that they have to be loud or boastful about their confidence. It's better to be quietly confident. Besides, how can a person live out a happy and productive life, without having faith in themselves? People need to be strong enough, and believe in themselves enough to actually get somewhere in life. People who like to put others down, act cocky and boastful, tend to be the 'weaker' ones, in my opinion, because they feel that they have the 'need to prove something.' They need to prove their lack self-confidence!


If someone's being original, or genuine about themselves, then they wouldn't allow anyone to intimidate or change them. They do what you do, and continue on with their lives. Focus on you, and not the jerks. I can't stand people like that. Take the Dalai Lama for instance, he's confident, but humble. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone!


Much luck to ya! I enjoy people who are self-confident, but not cocky. I've known some 'wannabe' confident people, who used to be really unconfident. They tend to grow up to be extra cocky, and exaggerate things in their lives. I don't understand them, and usually rid them out of my life. Besides, we don't need extra baggage in our lives. I can't stand that disgusting attitude!


You're on the 'right' track so far! I'm GLAD that you know yourself. If you say that you're strong, then you are. You know yourself. Hats off to ya! Don't ever change. Continue on being you, and strive for improvement. Don't let them judge you. Be your own judge. Don't let them stop you from being you. What matters most is what you think. As long as we're not doing anything to harm others, and live life with integrity and compassion, then I don't see anything wrong with that. I dislike those who are vain, cold and pretentious, those who lack compassion. Don't be like them: low-lives who have nothing else better to do, but to sit around and 'hate'. Continue to stay strong!


Hope this Helps,


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