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Not happy with boyfrineds new found religion


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Long story short. I have a boyfriend of three years. We have our fair share of problems he has 3 duis. and is an alcoholic. We had a period of 6 months where we had a break up. He joined his baby mama's church that her mother and stepfather run. Baby mama has her own new baby daddy. But I let my boyfriend go because his kid goes there and they should be together. He hasn't drank in 4 months. But when doing some research on the church that he mind you, has never invited me too. I found out that the speak in tongues and are part of Jimmy Swaggart ministries, when doin research there. I discovered some big sex scandals with him and I don't find it very appropriate for him to be going to this church. As well it is very cult like and isn't normal for him to join somehting like that. I am a christian women I don't see it possible for us to continue to go to two different churches. The pastor of his church also is known for cheating on his wife with the women he is now with. I don't think that is right. My boyfriend isn't very open minded when I bring information to him he thinks i am attacking him. how do i mention my uncomfortableness with all this without striking up a fight?

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You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends nose. Religion is a STRONG base for people. With those strong opinions, most likely he is unwilling to change.


There is no real option to choose. You have to accept your boyfriend's faith or break up with him.

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Are you sure it may not just be time for you two to part ways? You mention he's an alcoholic without mentioning he is in recovery & now you two have drastically different religious views, which he's not even willing to discuss with you.


I know it's hard to leave someone, especially when you have a child together, but the fact that he's not even willing to communicate with you makes me think you might be better off.

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If this is the church that moves him, I feel you should be grateful he's interested in going to church at all. I think he has the right to choose the church he feels comfortable in. That is extremely personal. There is no reason you can't go to separate churches. The speaking in tongues type of churches tend to have more emotionality, enthusiasm. Maybe his type of faith needs that. I think you should let him be. Let him have his relationship to God in the way that feels best to him.

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