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Relationship review


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This month my girlfriend and I will have been together for 3 years. However for the past 2 years we've been stuck in a rut and have not moved forward at all.

I really need to work out whether or not keeping going with relationship is worth it or if we should be calling it quits.

I was thinking about doing an appraisal type thing on the whole relationship and then having my girlfriend do the same and comparing the 2.


What do you think?


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In a three year relationship, two years have been a rut????

Yikes. That seems a little much.


What are your reasons for staying so long if its been that much of a rut?


Is she contemplating walking away as well?


In all seriousness, if its been that much of a rut, I don't see why you'd continue.

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Do you both have the same idea of what "moving forward" means? Have you spoken of your goals for the relationship? I think if you're going to have a talk with her about the state of your relationship, these would also be key things to talk about.

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This month my girlfriend and I will have been together for 3 years. However for the past 2 years we've been stuck in a rut and have not moved forward at all.

I really need to work out whether or not keeping going with relationship is worth it or if we should be calling it quits.


Ok, can you clarify the following:


In what way are you not moving forward?

What is preventing you?

How is she taking it?



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She thinks we're not going anywhere either but I don't think its bothering her as much.

We've both got some personality conflicts that I believe are stopping us moving forward. They are fine to deal with on a day to day basis but long term I think will become an issue.

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