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Feels like she is cheating!!!!

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Hi all,


Here is my original post about my ex g/f: link removed


The reason for this post however is to discuss what happened today with my ex and why.


This morning i get a call from her asking me if i could meet her at the shops because she didn't want to do the shopping alone and she wanted me there to help her. At first i thought she just wanted me there so i could give her a lift home with the shopping, but then i remembered that her mum has been giving her lifts everywhere and i knew that she was home.


So anyway i went down, we did the shopping, i took her home and helped pack it away for her, then chatted for a half hour in which she mentioned that she felt weird when we were together alone and then went back home.


Later that day i got a call from one of our mutual friends (Jenny) saying she was bored and didn't know what to do, so i said what about going to kahli's house (my ex). So we went around for a while and while we were talking i told jenny to tell kahli that it is ok to be friends with exes and not to feel weird about it, cause she knows 100% that i would never ever jeopardise her relationship with her new B/F and that i don't love her anymore and just wish to be friends, her reply was that everytime she is with me she feels as if she is cheating on her b/f and feels as if she is seeing me behind his back even though he knows about it.


My question is why does she feel like that???


She has told her bf that he has nothing to worry about, which he actually doesn't, i would never do anything to cause friction between them.


Anyone have any answers to why???

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Your ex may feel uncomfortable spending time with you because in her mind she wouldn't like her current b/f to be hanging out with his Ex, expecially on a one-on-one basis. I've read several posts on here where Ex's come into play and although it may be only as a friendship on both parts, it's still the fact that the other person knows you were intimate with this person at one time and/or they fear it could happen again. Some feel threatened by it.


If you like spending time with your Ex you may want to be sure it's with other people around and that may make her feel more comfortable about it without feeling like she is doing something wrong.


Take care,


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Thanks guys,


I agree with both of you, my first reaction was that she still had feelings for me but i don't understand how when she supposedly "loves" him and constantly tells me she doesn't have feelings for me.


Also i keep wondering why she asked me to help her go shopping if she felt like she is cheating on him????

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