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Girl is Junior I am freshman. Complex situation

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I am hopelessly in love with a girl I have known for a long time. We have been good friends for a year or more but I wanted to tell her how I felt. I more than complicated things by sticking a rose in her locker with a anonymous love note. While I was talking to her later that day she guessed it was me and though I halfway denied it she was sure. I didn't know what to say and she had to go to class. Things seem to be a stand still. She knows about my feelings but she still treats me like she always did. But still she seems to kind of know and has changed a little in the way she acts around me. I am a freshman and she is a junior by the way but I have always been told I was mature for my age. On a final note, she also the daughter of the pastor from my church if that could have an impact. I still really want to ask her out.




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Looks like all the odds are stacked against you. Not because of the pastor thing or anything like that, but because she sees you as a "friend." Its nearly impossible to get out of that friend zone once you've been put there. Read this post and it should help you out. But you probably wont have a shot with this girl at this point. link removed

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i sort of argee with the previous reply.its hard to get out of the "friend zone" with a person.i asked out a friend who i grew to like.


but id wait a while and see what happens.maybe try not to see her for a while and see if that eases the tension.if not,then just come out with it and tell her to her face that you like her and tell her your true feelings.i cant sub in the words for you here,it has to come from your heart.


and dont worry if it doesnt work because you are young and you will like others in your life.


ps im in the same position as im in love with my friend.im going to tell her soon so i know what you are going through.slight difference,she dont know yet!


anyway,hope it goes well.take care.

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