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Bring it up again or not???

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Ok about a week ago, I asked a guy whom I am interested in if he wants to get together. We have got together before but it has been awhile. We both decided that friendship is more important. Well, it didn't last very long, we started flirting and soon made plans but everytime we did something came and we couldn't. Anyhow, like I said last week I asked if he wanted to or not and he told me that he was thinking about the same thing but said that he was busy and he would get back with me. He hasn't yet and I was wondering should I ask him again or take it as a sign he is just playing and not really interested?????

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I'd try to give him a chance to bring it up, if you can. Perhaps you can arrange to see him and just flirt with him again, only a little, giving him the signs he can ask and then not having to extend yourself. If you ask and ask and ask, it won't be good for you or your chances. If you say hi, flirt for a minute, then run off, it will be much better for both. Give him a little taste of interest, then be on your way.

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