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The first time I fell in love I was 13 years old. No matter what anyone says. Some people will argue with me but I know it was love. I don't think anyone can determine where the line is between where |You are too young to love someone and where |You are able to love now. I mean...when you 8 or something you aren't going to be in love. (I don't think anyway.) Maybe with a puppy or something but not "in love" So there isn't no age where it's okay and where it's not. You can determine if it's love or not.



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You are never too young to fall in love. What you can be is too young to cope with all that it means in terms of the emotional uproar being in love causes.

My friend fell in love when she was 5 years old. She and her husband have been together ever since , they are now both 47, (we were all at primary school together) and have 3 children and 4 granchildren. Doesnt happen often but it can.

However being in love at 13 will be a trial as unless the other person feels the same you will get hurt. Also at 13 you are likely to change a lot as you grow up and he may change too so you may not be the same pople who fell in love. that can hurt too.

But for now, dont let it make you unhappy.

With love

nenez xxxx

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All I have to say is that it is always different, nobody falls in love the same way. The probability of loving someone when you are 9 or 10 is lower than if you were 16 or 17 because you don't think as much. When you love someone you care about them more than anything else. That includes yourself. Most people under 16 aren't even going to think about caring more about others welfare than themselves. There are exceptions, but I am just generalizing here. Hope you find what you were looking for.

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Nenez has some great things to say, as does everyone else. What I'd throw in is that people obviously mature at a different age from each other, with different life experiences shaping them. At a younger age, "puppy love" can be confused with the deeper meaning of "love" and all it means, such as trust, honesty, total commitment, sharing, communication, support, etc. Love has a lot of conditions attached to it to make it work, and at a younger age, without those experiences, love takes on a different definition, and is more often considered infatuation.


But can you feel love for someone at a younger age? Absolutely. It's just the amount of heart you put into it and the dedication you have to make it work that count!



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