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Have I Just blew My Chance Away????

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Hey, I likes this 1 girl and the girl likes me too.... but she said that she donno me well enough to Love me and be with me forever and stuffs... and she said that her special feelings for me has been decreasing day by day as i like to complains abt her way of life( drinking, clubbing,smoking and stuffs)... i onli tries to change her!!! what's wrong with that??? she said that 1 day she fear that after she loved me, i will leave her cos of her bad habits!!! Have I Just Blew my chances away??? Or Should I try again to restore back her liking 4 me and even the love for me?????

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What you call "Her Bad Habits" is who she is! so when you are attacking the things she does, your attacking her!.


If you like her you have to accept her the way she is, if you cant do that, then move on because she is not for you and your not going to "save" anyone from themselfs by trying to change them into what you want.


She had "special" feelings towards you when she thought you liked her for who she is, but now she is losing those "special" feelings because she realizes that you dont. you see, in her eyes, your the one that has change.

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Sounds like your in a mess....but it also sounds like you really care about her...because she is screwing up her life a little bit by smoking and drinking (nothing wrong with clubbing) if she is age of drinking, there is nothing wrong with it unless she abuses it...and you want to change all that which shows a lot of care for her which she doesn't see.


If it were me, I'd try explaning to her that the only reason you complain so much about her drinking and smoking is that you are worried she might go over the edge and do something awful, something like that. But don't go start smoking and drinking yourself just so she will like you (thats stupid). If she doesn't like you there are many more girls out there....hope I helped and good luck.


Cya'll Later.

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