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What to get her???

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Hey, i have only just started going out with my girlfriend and i am only 14 years old. i like her alot so for our graduation i want to get her something special especialy since this will be my first opprotunity to give her a gift for a reason. i know she is getting me like 3 gifts and i have around a 50 dollar budget. i have about 2 weeks to get her something good but i dont know wat to get her. i was going to get her a belly ring b/c she has a piercing there but she already has 12 of them. shge has tons of jewlery so im looking for an alternative gift. plz help!! thanx

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Well why not get her a nice necklace and then spend the money on something else for her..who says it's gotta be jewlery. Why not take her out for a romantic dinner at a nice resturant or get your picture taken with her and buy a nice frame with the pic in it to give to her. Try that I'm sure you'll think of something good.


Good Luck


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Hi David,


How sweet and thoughtful! $50 should be plenty to find one or several special gifts. Can you talk to her g/f's and ask them what she's really into, or if there has been something special she's been wanting to get?


Maybe a combination of a couple things, a small bottle of her favorite perfume, a CD you both like, a gift certificate for a pedicure or facial, a manicure certificate, a cute stuffed animal that would remind her of you.... I bet you can find 3 cute things for your budget...the 'ol cliche still stands true...it's the thought that counts!



I'm sure she'll be very happy with your thoughtfulness and "Happy Graduation"!!!



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If it's a graduation present, then I think that a little 'Precious Moment's' figurine would be cute! I think it costs about $25 U.S., and also a Prescious Moment's frame for letter initial to go with it. Anything sentimental is cute for a graduation present. Also, you can buy her books on tips on how to survive as a teenager. I just bought one for my little cousin for her 'Confirmation,' and she loves it! I'm glad.


Anything sentimental, added with books that will offer her 'words of wisdom,' I think, would be great in guiding her and influencing her in a positive direction in life. Self-help books, are cheaper than seeing a counselor, and offer professional words of wisdom. High school will be tough, growing up is, so those books will hopefully serve a purpose for her to turn to as a useful 'tool' for teenagers who are confused. Besides, I love to give gifts that are meaningful!

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