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help!! whenever im around my b/f i go very quiet!!

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hi!! whenever im around my b/f i go very quiet and i try to talk but i like cant. it doent work if u no wut i mean. im normally a VERY hyper talkitive(sp) person and soo i want to change this. any tips on what i shuld do??


thnx xxx emma xxx

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How long have you been going out with him? It sounds like you're just nervous...afraid of saying the wrong thing or sounding stupid. That happens to me when I'm around people I want to impress.


If you just give it time, you'll probably relax and be yourself once you feel more comfortable.


On the other hand, sometimes people just don't have alot to say to each other. It's weird. There could be a powerful physical attraction but not much personal chemistry. I went out with a guy like that. He was gorgeous, really smart, and funny, but when we were together we just didn't "click" on a friendship level.


But that's what dating's all about...finding someone who makes you love the person you are.

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Your just nervous around him or shy thats all it is like t-dog said. I have that happen to me and I just bite my tongue and speak..


If I were you I wouldn't worry about what to say and stuff cause chances are he's just as nervous around you as you are him..you never know..


See it like this..he likes you alot otherwise he would't be going out with you!..so just relax and you'll be able to open up more around him



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me and this chick I work with can talk for 9 hours straight 6 days a week for the last 2 years. I can barely talk to my GF for more than 2 hours when I see her once maybe twice a week. But thats usually cause we are lipped locked, but still kinda strange.

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Oh, I know how you feel honey! Glad I'm not the only one. I'm usually, almost always like that when I first date my boyfriends, probably within the first 2 months. It's unexplainable. I guess it's just that we feel weird about showing our 'true feelings,' and being a bit more sentimental than usual. In other words, we're breaking away from our 'comfort zones,' and allowing our weaknesses (love) to show, so it makes us somewhat nervous.


My best advice is to tell him upfront: "I'm shy around you. Don't mind me. My shyness should go away through time. I think it's because I like you a lot!" I know how you feel, and it's frustrating isn't it? It's as if one minute you feel comfortable, and the next minute, you feel speechless, right? I guess it's also because that person is really special to us, so we usually don't know how to handle that kind of attention, so we naturally shy away at first.


Hope this Helps! You'll do fine! I think that it takes time. No worries K? Good Luck to ya!

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