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he wants a break do i deserve this or not?

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ok... this is my story ok...

- we started going out october 14th 2003... my first serious bf... so i got really attached after a month... i told him that he's the one blah blah... i guess he's not use to it or something... so he disappeared for two weeks... he kept me waiting for hours... anywayz... at that time... i knew he'd be back but i dunno when... so i waited... then he came back... we were happy again... but then i started being all clingy again... so february 2004... he decided to run off again but this time for 3 weeks... he disappeared so i thought he doesn't like me anymore... so i decided to do stuff... u know stuff... we weren't on a break or at least that's what he said... and then after 3 weekd he told me he's sorry that he did that... but i didn't tell him wat i did... then after a month he found out... so he got mad... but then there were some more that i didn't tell him.. then he found out a again.. so i lied... thrice... now he wants to forget all the things i did... that's why he wants he break... that's the whole story.. please feedback please... do ideserved this break or what?

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Honestly, it seems like it's best for your mental wellbeing to leave because its a huge game. He isnt ready and believe me when they arent ready its better to leave now and take a small blow as compared to a gigantic blow in the end...oh wow how I wish someone told me these words a year and a half ago.

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And Oxygen, please remember I went through this same thing when I was dating my ex. The exact same thing. She spoke to her ex behind my back and I wanted to breakup and she had commitment issues...and guess what happened? I wanted her back and I didnt feel like it was soooo bad that I needed to breakup so I took her back and all was well until 6 months later that day came back to haunt me and blew up in my face...now Im forced to go through a much much harder breakup with a broken heart and at one point a broken mind...leave now before it becomes a huge thing. I cant express this enough when I say take the wave now before it becomes a tidal wave! I know how it felt for me...I kept saying ahhh its ok no big deal i dont wanna go through pain over something that can be worked out. But in reality I was stalling and the tidal wave came and guess what? She never got over her ex....I know its different but imagine you fall for this guy like crazy 8 months down the road and he keeps doing this again and again and again. Your gonna feel like your not good enough for him and your gonna want him sooo bad and its gonna hurt very bad when you get rejected. But its just that the guys got commitment issues as Asia said

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TheDoctor has a point....because i mean if this guy says he likes you like he does..then he'd want to be with you now..and not take these lil' breaks...you need to pretty much say "Do you want to be with me now? Not in a month but now, its now or never" if he cares for you then he'll say now...and quit this on/off crap but if he says not now...you should try to get over him and someday he'll realize what he lost...but you'll be strong by that time....and hopefully found someone new by then. It'll hurt, because nothing in life comes easy but *everything is okay in the end, if its not okay, it's not the end*



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