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Should I be concerned about my dog?


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He's fairly old, and at the start of January, he had a stroke. He has since recovered, and has basically been back to normal. About 20 minutes ago, I was looking at him, and noticed he was having sort of a small muscle spasm behind his one ear. It doesn't seem to hurt him at all, it just keeps twitching. Reminds me of when I get little muscle spasms and twitches, and stuff. Should I be concerned? Is this a symptom of possibly another stroke? Or am I just getting crazy about nothing? I know the best answer is "Take him to the vet", but I don't want to end up taking him in (which costs money I can't afford to be tossing out over nothing), only to find out it's nothing to be worried about. What do you think?

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I would say, since it has only been 20 minutes, not to worry too much. Is it possible he has something in his ear and it needs to be cleaned?


I would search google for information on dogs who have survived strokes, or animal strokes in general to see if maybe there is something of use to you in regards to this behavior.


If his symptoms persist for hours, get worse or he looks immobile, or in pain, taking him in will be necessary.

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