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need some serious help here... asap...


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Hi guys, i dont know where to post this topic...


Heres my story... Yesterday my gf broke up with me because of a misunderstanding...


today, she texted me saying hi, whatz up...


then here's our convo:


me: yes? do you have somthing to say...

gf: *laughs*, nothing, i just want to say hi...

me: you broke up with me yeterday and now you wanted to say hi?

gf: why, is it bad? after all where going to get back together...

me: I know and I understand but I cant get it why do we need to be apart and then talk like this pretending that nothing has happened?

gf: what do you mean? we will not text each other?

me: maybe if it will be about us, then we'll talk, but if it's like this, I dont think it will be able to help us...

gf: I just want to say hi... you know, there's nothing we need to fix, we just need to let this things pass...

me: I know that but until then, maybe we should let things pass then we can talk after that...


thats part of our conversation, at the time I'm writing this, we're still talking through sms...


I really dont understand her... Its hard for me to pretend and talk to her like nothing happened... My mind is blown up again this time, please help me understand her reasons for texting me like that...

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she's turning 20 this end of the month... I think she means is just a break, but even though it's just a break, I wont be able to stand talking to her like a friend, maybe if she really needs some help... But for now, like she have told me, we need to let things pass and we need to wait for it to pass before we can begin to talk about us and then talk like the same again...

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well the misunderstanding is she always have a bad meaning on the things that I do for her... She still doesnt fully trust me... now depending on her mood, she'll break up with me because of simple misunderstandings...


I still love her, but I wont tolerate her being childish... If she wants a break, i'll give it to her... if she wants me back, then she can talk to me and prove it to me...


I told her straight that she should continue to focus with herself... I'm just right here for her, but I'm not here to be played by her... If shes serious then I'll be serious, if she's not then I dont have anytime for BSs...

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If she can't trust you then like you said it's up to her, I honestly thought she was really young from how you described her. Perhaps she has trust issues stemming from past relationships or maybe the way she grew up?


Yeah... maybe it's because of her past, her father left her mom when her mom is pregnant of her and her parents, including her step father, and lots of aunts being so strict with her... Its not that I'm making that a reason so i can say that I understand her, it's just that it's really hard if you have a past like that... I can understand her even if it affects her behavior, attitude, or our relationship... I want her to grow up, I dont want to smother her but I'll make sure that I'll give her all that she deserves that I can possibly give...


What I want now is if she wants her space, then i'll give it to her but she should make it sure that she will not waste the time that I gave because I need her too but for her sake, I'm willing to sacrifice my needs...

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