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Your Opinion - Give Up ?


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Hi guys.....I'd appreciate your opinion on this one! I have never really vented online before and I'm new at this!


OK.......so I met a guy online from a different state probably 6 months ago. He's a 12 hour drive away and I have been to visit him twice.


Seems we are really into each other for now...........Although last night we were having a chat and this is what he came up with:


"I like you heaps and heaps. I'm glad I met you and I want to hang out with you when both of us can. Serious relationships are crazy talk to me, so please do not go talking about one and scaring me off. I am looking for someone long term, and we both live so far away from each other and this is why I don't want to go rushing in to anything".


From a guys oint of view....or anyone's point of view......Is this a copout ?


Thanks in advance for you input!

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It's a bit...weird. I think maybe scattered is a good term for his comment. It's almost like he's trying to say something and not say it all at the same time.


I would move on to the next guy, honestly. I mean maybe you can both be friends or something, but this doesn't have a promising beginning for dating.

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Serious relationships are crazy talk to me, so please do not go talking about one and scaring me off. I am looking for someone long term,


Huh? He is contradicting himself (unless I've misunderstood 'crazy talk').


I'm afraid that despite what you say in the OP you are NOT that 'into each other' - at least, he isn't.


And he's right - a 12 hour trip is too far to build something on (you will always find exceptions but he isn't even planning to try).


Find someone else - someone who will also travel to you, if you live a way apart.

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