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what can i do

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i have a friend she is 19 and is seeing a guy who is 41 she says she loves

but i don't he loves her and she as just found she is pregnant with his baby

but he doesn't want the baby but she does.

she really loves him and she doesn't know what to do


she doesn't listen to me or him


what can i do to make her listen

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Woah, that is quite the age-gap...Well, what your friend must now decide is whether or not she will have the baby without the support of this man. If she is afraid of raising a child alone she can always give him/her up for adoption and make some people out there extremely happy, make sure to remind her of this option before she decides to do anything drastic such as get an abortion.

Why is it that he doesn't want the child? It's obvious that if someone really loves another, they will stick with them through the good times and the bad, so I have no idea what it is this man felt for your friend, but I do not believe it was love.

The only thing you can do right now is promise your friend you'll be there for her and help her in any way you can. Assure her that even though this man may not want to be in her life anymore, they are surely many people out there who care for her a great deal, and you are obviously one of them since you took the time to make this post. Unfortunately, you cannot force her to listen, so she might have to learn the hard way.

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