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so the other day i called my ex girlfriend, we havent seen each other for about a month and we ended meeting up. I acted as calm and normal as i could be just by having small talk about what we've been up to and stuff. Then she starts acting really weird and tried like hugging me and getting close to me but then she would do it and id say what are you doing? She would just say sorry and that she couldnt help it and then she brought up how shes been depressed without me and that her life is so boring now. she kept telling me how good i looked and eventually we hooked up for like 5 minutes. Then after i told her i was confused and she said she was sorry for leading me on and that she still has mixed feelings where sometimes she still loves me and then other times she doesnt. i kinda told her i feel the same way because i didnt know what else to say but then i left and we kind of hugged and kissed one last time and then she cried when i left. im so confused and i dont know how to handle this she told me at the end that she wants to stay in contact with me but that she is still confused and she doesnt want to be "just friends". i dont know how to move forward because a part of me still loves her a lot and then another part is telling me to guard myself from getting hurt again but shes giving me mixed signals constantly. During our whole conversation we talked about fun things we did in the past and she kept saying how much she missed me and how good i look. she kept saying how she hates this but wouldnt tell me what..im assuming she meant being broken up? i just dnt get her and she also said something about who knows what will happen in the future with us..like how do i react to that? i dont know how to handle all of this...she also contacted me yesterday online just to say hi for a few minutes so is that good? but she hasnt again yet should i wait for her to initiate or should i do it sometimes too? any ideas?

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im not an expert as ive only been in one relationship that has recently ended...but it seems like seems regretting her decision maybe.. i presume she dumped you? yes keep your guard up i agree there if anything take it slow again and be honest to her if she carrys on like this

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Can i assume that she is the dumper? If that is the case, then she is regretting the break up and wishing it back the way it was. The problem is, we can get blinded by our depression in this stage and want the other person back to end the pain. But there was a reason for the break up in the first place and that must not be forgotten.


I don't know the exact figures, but chances of reconciling for good after a break up are pretty small, and yet so many couples try. As I have said, she may be seeking a way to stop the pain generated by the break up by restoring things the way they were instead of dealing with it. If you are unsure of wanting to go there again, do not.

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