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Alirght i was never circumcised. I tried to put a condom on to practice or what ever for the first time and thank god there wasn't a girl there. My foreskin got pulled down and it really hurt. Plus the condom was Really tight. it was a regular size on. My penis is only 6 inchs long but pretty wide. What can i do to make the condom experiance uh go better? thanks




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U should be able to pull your foreskin right down without problem. If u do continue to have problems pulling your foreskin all the way down u might have to considered seeing a doctor. For hygeine reason it is important to make sure u wash under your foreskin every day.


Condoms are very tight around the base, its to stop them slipping off, and yes it isn't too comfortable unfortunately.

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I am uncut and i have never had a problem witha condom, Look into buying Magnums or some other brand of bigger condoms..... they do come in sizes too. find one thats good for you. when your penis is erect the foreskin should get pushed back anyway by the head. so i think my friend its a mater of the size....

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