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break ups and make ups


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6 months really isnt that long. The longer apart the better for when you are reunited imo. And yes i've first hand seen a one year and a 16 month break get back together, and both are still happily together. Its rare, but worthwhile. You just have to take the break for what it is worth.

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For me I think the hardes part would be dealing with what they did during the break, who they were with, if they had developed feelings, or had sex with others etc. I think it is kind of necessary to see what else is out there if only to prove that the other person is really the one for you, but it would still hurt to know.

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My boyfriend and i broke up for 5 months before getting back together. We broke up as we didnt want the same things for our future. The time apart make us both think and reassess the situation and came to the conclusion we just freaked out a little and we wanted to spend our life together. Now things are better than ever.

It does happen!

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