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Need advice plz...

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Theres I guy I like that I'm sure likes me too or did the last time I saw him. We're both on a course together, but for a few hours once a week.

It's nearly all guys and he sits with them. My problem is finding something to say to him or trying to join in the convo that they're having. I'm sick of beeing seen as shy! I know that I have the guts to talk to people and my confidence is getting better. At first I couldn't even look him in the eyes. I've spoken to him once, but not for long I felt nearvous at first and then I was able to look him straight in the eyes and talk to him.

I can't talk to just him because that would mean interrupting him while he talks to his friends and his friends might make fun of me because they'll work out I have a crush on him. One of his friends know I have a crush on him which makes it harder for me because the guy I like might know by now that I like him too. He's tried to talk to me, but he seems a little bit shy around me and only does when theres not many people there. I think he could have asked me out or tried to talk to me alone once, I had to go for some reason and he had an expression on his face like great I just missed my chance!

I really want to ask him out, but I want to talk to him first.

I would try saying hi, but I know it wouldn't turn into much of a convo. I can't keep waiting for him to try to talk to me because I bet it's just as hard for him as it is for me and if we're going to be together being shy isn't gonna help.

Anyone have any advice plz? Thanks.

- Starkitty

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Being shy can really make things hard, cant it? I used to be really shy but I got over it by realizing that I am who I am. People can either love me or hate me for it. Turns out, most people love me for it!

Anyway, to help with your problem. A smile & a simple hello can do wonders! It seems to me that guys enjoy it when a girl has a friendly smile. it makes her more approachable. Do you have any mutual friends with this guy? If you do, you could always use that friend as the "middle man"

Anyway, good luck with everything, Let me know how it goes!

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Thanks I'm so sick of being shy so I'm going to try so hard not to be when I see him. There isn't really any "middle man" there is a girl I could talk to about it, but I have the feeling she'd tell everyone and that will make it harder.

Thanks for replying

- Starkitty

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