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Is it too soon to tell him I love him???

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I have been with my boyfriend for 3 months and I really feel like I am falling in love with him but I don't know if it is too soon to tell him, I don't want to scare him away or make him feel weird if he doesn't love me too. What do you think I should do?? I am so confused he is a really great guy and I don't want to lose him but I also know he wants to take it slow . So confused

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girl dont be scared. ur in an open relationship so be open. i said 'i love you' to my most recent bf (now my ex but we wont go there thats a different forum) after a cpl months too & i said it first & he jus smiled ear to ear and said it back & he said 'i was hoping youd say it first.' and i said 'really??? b/c i usually would never say it first' he said 'yea hes usually the one who says it first, but he jus wasnt sure how i felt just yet.' & he was more than delighted that i expressed my love for him. go for it hun. plus u never know what tomarrow will bring, let everyone u love know that u love them.



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His birthday is cooming up in a couple of weeks, I was going to tell him on his birthday that I am falling in love with him, but I don't want to ruin his birthday if he doesn't feel that same way, should I pick another day?. Got any ideas what I should do for his birthday or get him, it will have been just over 3 months that we will have been together. Thanks for your advice

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Am I the only one who is scared here? Girl I would not tell him if I was you. I think and maybe I am a bit old fashioned, but I think you should let him tell you first. It is the men who ask you out, persue you , and propose. I think it should be him to tell him he loves you first.

I don't know but I think you should not expose yourself like that. What if he doesn't tell you he loves you right back? Can you handle it? Most of the relationship problems are due to the fact that the other person is not ready. Let the relationship blossom and move along like it is. Why rush things? Showing you love the other is as important as telling them. I would proceed on the side of caution just to be sure.


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ok heres my feelings on this.


i felt so strongly towards my ex that it physically hurt by not telling him i love him so i blurted it out during sex one night (it was actually more like love making that night) & it was such an amazing beautiful moment, & he was sooo happy i said it. & he said it back. i was gonna tell him a bunch of times before and i figured NO WAY GIRL let HIM say it first! but i couldnt hold it in anymore. it was soooo perfect.


and heres a sad story as to why i dont hold back anymore....i was with this guy Joe for about 5-6 months while i was 17 goin on 18. i broke up w/ him b/c i felt suffocated & wanted space. so i broke up w/ him & i dated another guy like 5 months later who actually cheated on me...we broke up *duh* & i realized i want sumone who can love me. i want sumone sincere & goodlooking & family oriented etc... & i realized: "im in love w/ my ex!!!" so for about 2 months i waited jus thinkin about him everyday!!! i wanted to call him so bad but i didnt. I DIDNT WANT TO SCARE HIM!! so i figured his fam loves me so ill drop by in a couple of weeks during Thanksgiving break & bring his fam a lil gift & ill get to see Joe & make up & appologize! yea great idea right! well i never got the chance to do that. he passed away 3 weeks prior. (on what woulda been our 1 yr anniversary if we woulda stayed together -> Oct. 28th 2001). he was killed by a drunk driver that night. i was actually talkin to a friend of mine outside about how i want him back & how our 1 yr anniversary woulda been that day etc. and she was tellin me how she saw him earlier that day & he was goin to a club tonight etc etc...as we were talkin about my plans to see him in 3 weeks, our conversation was interrupted by loud sirens & a med-evac helicopter. i made a dumb comment about the noise & waited then carried on our conversation about Joe. little did i know those ambulances & helicopters were going to my ex's scene of the accident. i found out 3 days later he passed away. i was an absolute wreck for the longest time!! so i learned my lesson after months & months of depression i still cry about it to this day. and at his funeral his family told me he would have gon back with me in a heartbeat so u can only imagine how F'd up i was after hearing that. i kept thinkin if i got back with him maybe he wouldnt have been in that car that night if i only spoke up & told him how i felt, when i first felt them... i am unsure how i feel about fate & destiny but i still cant help but think 'what if' & 'maybe'....




i never got to tell him how i feel/felt about him. i only hope now he can hear me in my prayers.


tell him u love him, what do u have to lose??? dont wait until b/c it might be too late one day, i know i learned my lesson.


-sorry i didnt mean to be a damper on such a happy topic but i feel so strongly about expressing love that i had to say something-


go for it hun!




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WOW!!, that puts a whole new light on the topic. I am really sorry for your lose. I don't know what I would have done in your place. You have a great point. What is the worst that can happen!!. Thanks for shareing your story. I hope lots of people read it, it really impacted me.



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i think you could tell him u feel deeply for him. i dont think it would hurt. you only live once and telling people we love them should be done everyday. i know u really love him and he makes u feel special. i am so happy you have found someone to love you. you deserve it!! but be real with him and honest ok. its the best policy for a relationship. i hope all goes well with you hun luv your friend 4 ever


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i am so happy you have found someone to love you.


He hasn't told her he loves her yet. She is the one that wants to tell him first. It's a risk and a hard one if she does not reciprocate. Is she willing to take that risk?

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