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The Secret, Law of attraction and God


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Before anything else...2 1/2 years ago I was here with a problem... I have heard about "The Secret" here... but I just read it weeks ago...


Anyway, I just want to share my thoughts about "The Secret" and God..


I was born and baptised a catholic... I grew up believing in God and Jesus as one and the same..And I do believe that...


Reading through "The Secret"...and the Secret is "Law of Attraction" etc... And I do agree on everything that "The Secret" told, looking back to the ups and downs in my life...I believe it was all because of my own thought...


So I thought...How does God fit in the Secret? my realization is that...


God is the universe...God is the world Himself... God is the air, the land, the sea, everything around us....


in the Law of Attraction...it told us that if we want to succeed on anything..the point is to focus and maintain a positive emotion on what we want to achieve... as the universe is always listening to what we have in our emotions...our feelings...


How do we communicate to the universe? sometimes it is just so hard to focus as the universe is so big and so many living are living amongst us... so How do we focus to communicate to the universe? We put on God...we communicate to God....We go to church, look and talk to the image of God...Focus on what we want to achieve..ask it to God...


Now I thought how about other religions....the have different God..


I said to myself... I guess every religion was right in anything they believe in... Religion was made because the founders have deeper understanding on the universe... they can communicate to the world or to the universe or to God himself directly... and Jesus, Allah, Budha etc were the ones talking about the prophecy of how to live in God in harmony and peacefully...


I guess this topic is too broad that my human mind will have a hard time to explain myself...but I believe that the book the Secret, the Holy Bible, Kuran or any other books any religion refer their beliefs into are talking in the same essence...


God is the Universe we live in...God is within ourselves...God is everywhere...God is everything...God is in our hearts..

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