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Ok so here it goes im single now been single for a month im hurt and im still on and off about the situation after 2 years can he just forget me like that after we broken up he told me at the end he would still call hang out but really dont do that ,he wants to live his life he does not want to be in a relationship but he told me he loves me i have talk to him but its not the same it seems like i was always the one to iniate the contact he told me that this is just the end for a new beginning for us fresh start but his actions are diff mabe he is just tryin to live his life without me in it now but he told me that when he is ready that it would be with me cause im the perfect girl for him now he seems fine i dont know if it is him covering it up or what but he seems ok what should i do im doing alot better now working alot more hanging out with friends but still i want a absolution because i still do love him very much should i believe in his word and trust that when he is ready he will be back should i let go which i cant should i start nc and keep it strict even though he said he is not letting me slip away that easy anyones opinion or advice would help out alot!

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I know it's hard, but you better cut your losses, chalk this up to experience, and move on.


Ironically, in a relationship, it's usually the female who loses interest before the guy does...but anyway, once he loses interest -- and even tells you so in the form of being hesitant and tentative with you -- there's no going back.


Even if he were to come back to you, you'll find yourself in a up and down rollercoaster situation with the two of you separating and then reconciling over and over in an endless stream of torture. It's like a vase that breaks. Even if you glue it back together, the cracks and fissures will still be there.

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It is much better to focus on your life and get your full power and indepence back. When you are smply waiting for him to make a move, this makes you very vulnerable. It's not good for you on the long term.


Don't wait. You could wait for long. Right now, there is huge disbalance. You are still invested in him. He is free. You give a lot of hope and atention and get back nothing.


I know it's tough, but if you focus on your ife back, things will naturally flow. Right now, you focusing on him, stops you from seeing the opportunities which are in front of you right now.


Good luck and stay in touch



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I agree with the previous posts. It's not fair of him to keep you hanging this way. He doesn't want to (whether or not its 'cos he's ready doesn't really matter) make the effort to be with you. And it's not fair throwing crumbs to you this way to keep u interested just in case whatever else he has in mind doesn't turn up. I'll even say he has his eye out for someone else, he may not even have met her yet, but he's looking out for what he feels could be a better deal and if that doesn't work out, you'll still be around so he needn't worry. If he really wants to be with you, he would be ready to work at it. If you really want something, you will make it known and go after it.


Since you're feeling better hanging out with friends. carry on with it. Let him be, don't let him contact you for a while 'cos it seems that when he does, it confuses you. I know you still feel the love in your heart, but step away from the situation and you'll be able to judge his actions more clearly.

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Thankyou so much for your advice everyone it does a great deal of help just wish I knew what was going on at times I am really confused I also know that if he wanted to be with me he would but there are reasons why he does not and it has to do with him I still love him and I would give anything to make things right between us but im letting things go naturally and letting things go how they go but thanks so much again for your generous input really appreciate it

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