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Spatz brings up a good point....

The whole "I love my ex, and I just want her/him to be happy" I say it and truly believe it, but it kills me that right now I'm not what makes her happy (or at least happy enough to deal with LDR)


I also agree with spatz in that love, in itself, is one of the purest feelings and also one of the rawest...simply being in love causes happiness, pain, anger, and much more...almost like Love is all emotions wrapped up into one...

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Raider i really love hearing your comments, but sometimes in my opinion, you come accross as having an air of supremacy about you.


You're right. I'll try and cool it. I just feel so passionate about this. I see all these people who grow colder and colder everyday. Every bad thing that happens to them make them more and more cynical. They stop believing in the innocence of a child, and they stop beliving in the love of the storybooks. It's not a fair world, but that doesn't mean that we have to be so jaded.



It comes accross to me as an arrogance - suggesting that some of the other people who post here can not have the same kind of love as you do for your ex.


I'm not suggesting that they CAN'T. But are you saying that EVERYONE has the SAME level of love for a person? I'm sure there are people out there who fought longer. I only fought for her for 6 months. I'm proving that some don't really love as much as they say they do. Show me where I'm wrong? I don't mean it as an insult though. Do you love your dog? Do you love your dog as much as you love your bother? as your mom? as your ex? There are magnitudes of love out there, and the fact is that if someone won't undergo pain for a loved one, then they simply don't love that person in at the same level as the someone who would. The more selfish, the less love.



Human emotion causes us to react in different ways. Hurt is a very strong thing, and when we hurt, it changes the way we perceive things, and people, and situations. In my opinion, it is simply not natural to display such feelings towards an ex immediately after a breakup.


I wasn't talking about after a breakup. I was talking about when the ex decides they don't love you, and you are still in love with them. It's before that point. I was trying to get people to see that for some reason it's ok to throw yourself on a grenade for your loving wife, but not for your ex that doesn't have feelings for you. Somehow "they don't deserve our love." This is absurd. The only thing that changes is their mental state and people are ready to throw true love out the window. Give me a break. Just doesn't make sense to me.


I also find it extremely arrogant that people suggest that if you react in any other way (eg reacting badly) that your level of love for the person is not what you think it is.


You misunderstand me. It's completely, normal, healthy, and it proves love when you fight for them. I was talking about well into the healing process. But a lot of people say things like, "He doesn't deserve my love." "I hope she end's up alone." This anger gets us nowhere. It just shows how much you loved the person in the first place. Why do you think women love the phrase, "All I want is for you to be happy." It's because this is a sign of the purest of loves, when what you truly want is for them to be happy-- yes, even if it means that you won't be. I know it's foreign. But just because it's rare, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Read how Kierkegaard loved his gf Regine--these are real people, and they really loved unlike most people today.


It'd be interesting to know whether you have reached this point (the way you feel now) over a long time, or whether you were able to be this way immediately after the breakup.


Oh no way! I was a mess for 6 months. (I see her everyday.) Like I said, fighting for them shows that you care. Emotional issues notwithstanding, the longer you fight for them the more you love them.


My ex deserves my love. She deserves to be treated well. She is a good person. She is caring, she is loving, and i would still do anything for her. But this doesn't stop me feeling bitter about the way things have happened. It does not stop me having normal human reactions and feelings about it.


I never said that things were so black and white. I agree COMPLETELY. I run the gamut of human emotions, "#$@! her and what she did to me," "He'll never love her like I will," "I don't want her back!"


Listen. I go through all the stages, and all the emotions. But what is a true test of character, a true test of love is--in spite of all these emotions--if a genie came to you and said. "I'll give you any wish." Would you say, "I want her to suffer for what she did to me," or "I wish we were back together," or "I want her to be happy."


I'd like to think that I'd pick the last one.


sweet dreams

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People who give up hope (not sure if you are referring to the people that said to give up hope but im assuming so, sorry if i misconceieved ur saying) are not growing colder and colder everyday, that is too over genralized. For example me hoping and pining away for my ex made me grow more distant and colder, i was depressed all the time becuz i was only focusing on what i dont have and what i wanted instead of what i DO have. I finally realized that you just have to appreciate what life gives u and be happy that you live each day where people dont get to.


And another important thing is that things happen for a reason, you may fight it and want to deny that what happened wasnt supposed to happen, but reality is that it Did happen and people just have their way of dealing with it such as letting go of the past in order to find happiness. Cuz for some (i dont want to say everyone), hoping and hoping and driving themselves crazy for wanting to be with their ex so bad drives people into depression. You cannot make ur ex want u back they have to decide that for themselves.


So instead of focusing on what you dont have, focus on what you do have and adjust to the changes that life brings. That is the nature of life it is not constant things change unexpectedly and our we adjust to it.


Im pretty sure that i dont know the full story of everyone's breakups and i dont know the extremeities of the relationship but giving up hope on an ex that has gone away is not always a bad thing for some people. For example even tho i love my ex dearly, i honestly came to a point where i dont "need" him to survive. I understand that things happen for a reason and my reason from my breakup was to learn how to make myself happy without relying on someone else to do that for me.


See i loved my ex very much and saying that i let go of fighting doent mean that i didnt love him with all my heart. Sometimes chasing after an ex that doesn't want to be chased after is being selfish on ur part and hurting urself in the process. Sometiems love does mean letting go (im not saying all cases since there are so many different scenarios). Let me ask you does your ex want your to keep on pursuing her???? If she doesnt would she get annoyed with it and it will in fact push her farther away?


And people arent saying that ex's dont deserve our love, its a mechanism which helps them to move on out of the depressed hoping state. And keeps people with the hope that there are positives that can come out of a situation.


People are all different and they all have different ways of finding happiness. We all handle our breakups differently.


If in all honesty u truly see your ex as the last and only one ull love, then go for it if u want to. Just advice its gonna be a uncertain, bumpy unpredictable road ahead of u. Soo which ever path people take to some it may be the right way to others it may not. WE all handle life differently.


I guess maybe im a little more laid back personally but im gonna let time determine what happens between me and the ex. If it is meant to be it will be. You may or may not agree with me that is perfectly fine we all have our own opinions. But as time figures life out im gonna keep an optimistic mind and appreciate the life that i do have and enjoy what it is offering me right now. We cannot force things to happen, time tells all.


Take care and I hope you all find happiness in the end whatever the outcome

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Tropicaliris makes some great points...


The whole, "if you love them let them go" vs. "if you love them, there is no nobler fight than the one for true love" argument is really comparing apples to oranges, in each situation one or the other (in some form) is going to be more appropriate...and trying to argue which one is right is sort of counter productive...(okay so I know that last paragraph doesn't completely fit the thread but I think its a good point)


Time is the biggest determining factor...because it is with time that the answers we seek will finally be found...

However, Fate is also something I strongly believe in...if it is meant to be it will be...but think of this...if two people are meant to be, but one or both sit back and do nothing about it, will it still be? A friend of mine, who is wise beyond his 25 years of age, bordering on one of the wisest people I've ever had the pleasure of talking to asked me that question....I thought long and hard...and my answer was yes...He asked why and I said because it was meant to be...he rattled off probably ten situations that happened to close friends of ours and things that didn't work out for them, things that could have vastly improved their lives, things that if they had just giving a little effort would have happened for them...I sort of stared at him, not really knowing what to say....and after a long pause he smirked and said...You see, Dikaia, fate is real, but 9 times out of ten you have to give it a push, it's simple potential energy...A ball on top of a hill has all sorts of potential energy to get to the bottom, but without a push is it going to go anywhere? I said, in my smarta$$ way, "well there could be a wind to push it," and he said....fine you sit and wait for the wind to push your ball, I'll get on with it and push my ball myself....That conversation has stuck with me for a long time...not to mention my friend has been with an amazing girl soon to be married for quite awhile....and everytime I see them together, and I'm alone he asks "Dikaia, still waiting for that wind?" One time he saw me with my ex, and this makes me laugh everytime I think about it...he says "Dikaia, gooooooood push bud, goooooood push!"


Waiting for the wind is fine, but I realise everytime I've pushed a little in my life, stepped a little bit outside my comfort zone, good thing have come to me...I'm be waiting for the wind until i move back to the town my ex lives in two months...then I might just get out of the chair and give it a little push....

Best of luck to everyone...Oh and Go Calgary!!!!

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good post ziggystar. everything u said made sense & its valuable information, but i dunno how rare it really is that exs come back. i had every ex of mine come back. i wasnt in love with them tho so i didnt bother rekindling a relationship though i am friends with them now, and they are still sprung on me after YEARS!! lol this one i been stressin about on this forum is the one im in love with & goin by our past & how great we were to eachother i see a chance in our future & promises he made to me post-breakup are to serious to break. & sumtimes it takes alot of work to regain a lost love. i know a ton of other people who got back with their exs some rekindled relationships & lasted & sum of them separated again & some stayed friends & some got MARRIED after time apart!!! so i wouldnt say -give up hope- id say 'regain your life back'. have a life outside of them, respect yourself again, & love yourself more than anyone else in the world & only then when you are 100% happy with yourself can u ever be happy with anybody else. that goes for dumpers & dumpees.


my opinion at least.


keep on keepin on fellow forum friends. keep faith but also keep your sanity.



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However, Fate is also something I strongly believe in...if it is meant to be it will be...but think of this...


Ah philosophy.


So let me ask you a few things. Every year 500,000 people die of heart disease. Is this fated? Every 17 minutes someone decides to take their own life, possibly due to a bad breakup. Is this "meant to be"? I imagine you will say yes. I have no defense against determinism yet. But I can't accept it yet.


What your friend is describing the difference between fatalism and determinism. Both believe that your future is set in stone. But the fatalists don't see any reason to act because of this. The determinist say that there's no reason to suspend action because it may very well be determined for you to act.


But I'm sorry I can't accept either. You're friend says that sometimes fate needs a push. But that doesn't make any sense. Your 9 friends couldn't have done anything to change what happened, if they could change it then it's not fated, if it's fated then they can't change it. It happened, that's it. You can't have it both ways. If you believe in fate there is no free will, and you may very well be fated to die alone. I don't know about you, but I'd like to look for other ideas before buying into a philosophy that give me no free will.

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Actually tropicaliris I wasn't talking about the people who give up hope. I was talking about humanity in general. People are so pessimistic these days.


And another important thing is that things happen for a reason


I really don't get it when people say stuff like this. What is the reason? Is it always a good reason? Are we just talking about relationships here? Are we talking about karma?


I really don't see a reason for the thousands of babies that were burned to death in the Nazi Extermination camps. Sure there was a reason, if by reason you mean cause. The reason was Hitler ordered it.


Now let's apply it to a situation. Somewhere out there there was someone who almost fell in love with a true love, but it was cut short because the ex came back, or the girl/guy moved away, or they were killed in a car accident. Sure there's a reason why this happened: the ex broke up with the girl he was dating, he/she was in the military so they had to move, the other driver had a little too many that night.


But the point is that MOST times these reasons are not fulfilling. All they say, in effect, is LIFE SUCKS. I can't see how this is comforting to people, or how it helps at all.


If we're talking about fate then you'll have to see my other post. But this shouldn't ease people's minds either. Because I may be fated to never have another meaningful relationship again and die alone. Sucide becomes more and more rational as life goes on. Because as it gets worse and worse, and it get's closer and closer to the end, you realize that maybe your fate is something you just can't live with.


Anyways, I'm off to the Smokeys. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

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Hi everyone, this is a very good debate going on here im enjoying reading everyones thoughts.


Well yeah see giving fate a little nudge sometimes is necessary BUT the dangerous part about that is that people will try to nudge fate into their own way to their own advantage. Thus attempting to make their fantasy become a reality by manipulating the situation around them.


I believe you can give fate a push as long as its for self improvement, but if it involves another human being you Cannot and i stress Cannot manipulate them to want u back. Now i ask all of u, if you kept on begging and begging ur ex to come back and they consented out of guilt is that the type of love you want??? Knowing that in order for them to want u, u had to force and manipulate them to? (is manipulate too harsh?)


Or do you want them to come back cuz they know in THEIR own hearts that they want you too??


Now if you think that "yeah ill take my ex back after begging and begging" is that gonna be a happy healthy relationship in the end knowing that you "forced" you two to be together? Many of these begging reunited couples go thru this breakup get back cycle over and over.


I believe that if it was true love, love will bring you back together becuz both parties WANT to be back together, not just one sided. Thats relationships works two ways.


So you know you dont have to be like inactive and not do anything, just try to be careful not to manipulate the situation to your advantage TOO much, i dont believe that fate involves twisting around a situation to Only better your position. Things happen for a reason, i ultimately believe that. I mean hey if life was so easy, dont u think that many of us wouldnt appreciate what we already do have?


Sooo to sum it up i believe in nudging fate for self improvement, such as im gonna make sure that i can handle life alone instead of relying on someone else, or i can start making my life more positive. But you cannot twist life around in order to make someone want u, that is not fair to you or the person u are directed at (in terms of love).


Life is unfair overall, I know someone who's life was taken away at the age of 16 how unfair is that? Was it fated? I dont know but it was sure unfair, that is why instead of worrying about what you dont have just learn to focus on what you do have right now b/c life is like that it is totally unpredictable and you dont know what the future holds for us.


I know a lot of us wish that life was predictable and that there was some sort of instruction manual on how to guarenteed get ur ex back etc. but it is a fact, we do not have total control on what the future holds all we can do is adjust to what life brings us each day of our lives.


Fate is a tricky thing to talk about, you can go on in a religious view or even other views.

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Hey raider, wow man you seem really in a horrible place now with all the negativity, that or ur very passionate about what you talk about which is good u have ambition.


Well when i say things happen for a reason, its a optimistic point of view, i believe ur more of a pessimist?


Yeah in general life sucks and it is unfair, like i mentioned in my other message I know someone whose life was taken at 16yrs old. The only son of a father who loved his son with everything he got, and the father is still having hard time coping with it. Do i believe that this was fair of course not. With all the dying and pains going on in the world and in history, life is not fair overall. I dont know the reasons why, lol i honestly am not applying this saying to such extreme measures such as Nazi's burning babies. This is a saying mostly for relationships.


Just having a positive mind frame helps us to appreciate that there is still some good in this world. The little things in life that we all overlook each day of our lives.


See i cannot give you answers to everything, just by saying things happen for a reason gives people hope that there still is good out there, that the world isnt just one big hell hole.


I mean its up to people to decide what they want to spend their lives doing, wondering what if, wondering why, or actualy getting out there with the thought that "hey you know what im not gonna get mad at the world im gonna try to live my life the best that i can with what it is handing me."


Honestly i have soo many why and whats the point questions im pretty sure everyone does. but the point is this is life, you know this is the real world and it isnt an easy pretty picture perfect world. Soo the only thing we really can do is to adjust to what happens and keep on looking for that good keep on looking for the little things in life that bring happiness.


So many people are caught up in the negatives that we overlook these small things. I wish that all of the pain in the world was non existant but we have no control over that, its just a part of life. Pain is inevitable all we can do is try to make the best out of our lives. Either you let the negativity take over you or you try to do something to bring positives into your life.


Sorry if i offend anyone lol, just an expression of opinion. Im open to others opinions.

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you take things way too personally. it's not meant to denounce your feelings. you have every right to how you feel. but if you make bold statements, especially on this forum, it is fair game for debate.




Would you throw yourself on a grenade to save your wife's life? Would you endure the pain of her cancer for her? Would you go through any pain so that your wife wouldn't have to? Would you spend your entire life in a job you don't like just so that she could be happy? If you say no to any of those then I pity you, you'll never know the purest form of love.


yes, i would throw myself on a grenade for my wife, but we're not talking about a wife. we're talking about a girl who dumped you. if you want an analogy of of the grenade, it's like: would you jump on a grenade thrown at you by your wife.


i'm sorry if you feel it's an attack on you. it isn't. it's just a differing point of view. and should be taken just as that nothing more, nothing less. the weight of the world need not be on that.

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to everyone,


it's not about hating the ex or getting colder. it's not about degrading the ex either or revenge. the ex is a human being worthy of love, but to pine over them when they have rejected your love makes no sense. it's about dealing with reality. the reality is the misery you MIGHT be experiencing (if at all), is in your hands. so stop hurting yourself (if you are) and move on with the beautiful life you have. if you don't feel hurt or miserable and believe that you're fine with the hope of getting back you ex, then there's nothing to say. but if you do feel miserable and hurt from the experience of wanting your ex back, then you have to stop and think.

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and one more thing. i felt 100% better when i let go of the hope. the hope that I FELT was more to offset the gut feeling of her not coming back, which rang out to be true. that was a week ago and i felt no urge to come back to this forum. i felt finally resolved and moving forward. but i came back to post this, because i felt i should share my particular insight with you all. it may or may not apply to your situations, or you may want to hear what i have to say. but i owe this forum at least that much, because without it, i would have probably lost it. this is my contribution back. ultimately i could have just left having resolved my issue and never posted again. but i didn't want to do that without posting the final chapter (which hardly anybody does on this forum, leaving plenty of questions from users who connected to each other).


it's a show of my gratitude for all you out there. thanks.

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but if you make bold statements, especially on this forum, it is fair game for debate.

let's go


if you want an analogy of of the grenade, it's like: would you jump on a grenade thrown at you by your wife.


I'm sorry but my analogy was much more apt. All I did was identify the gernade with pain. I didn't say who threw it. In fact, we already discussed the exes that don't deserve our love. Don't make a straw man out of my argument. The analogy was to show that when you love someone you love them more than you love yourself. You're problem is assuming that the wife throws the grenade in the first place. So what if she left you? As we've already seen, there are a millions of reasons why people leave others, and MANY of them are benign. People can't always be held responsible for their actions. For example, people make mistakes. To assume that people NEVER make mistakes with respect to relationship decisions is unusual.

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Please I hope everyone understands the ground rules:


1)No personal attacks, but you can critize an idea. I've only tried critizing ideas. Please show me where I made a personal attack on someone and I'll apoligize.


2)If you use the word "you" there's a chance that you might be atacking the person rather than an idea. Try writing responses without using the word "you", that way I won't mistake your response as a personal attack.


I'm not attacking anyone. I do critize some ideas. It's understandable that people get passionate about things they believe in. Spatz, Mix, and I have had some very good debates and neither of us ever said "YOU have issues to deal with", that YOU are full of negativity","that YOU'RE taking it personal". These are all comments about the person. The person has issues, the person is full of negativity, the person is overreacting. Let's leave the advice to the non-debate/advice threads so as to avoid flame wars.


So please reread my quote responses. If it seems like a personal attack, or if it looks like I'm taking it personal, read it again. Just show me where and i'll explain or appoligize. I have NEVER once said anything about the posters mental state.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to stop critizing ideas. And just view the exclimation marks, the bolds, the caps, the lists, and the witty responses as my rethorical style. And I encourage you to do the same. I promise I won't take it personal.



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Mix you're posts are always so long.


There insightful but after 5 of them they hurt to read


Just note: subconsiously people equate brevity with intellegence.


I always try to go back over my posts and erase everything to the main points.

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Hey everyone!


I gotta say tho this is a great discussion. And its i agree with mix, reasons for giving up hope isnt saying oh our ex's dont deserve us, just saying you know what just gotta make the best out of it.


This was fun talkin to all of ya! think of all this as constructive criticism. Its only up to you to decide which advice to take and which to reject we're all on these boards to offer our perspectives nothing should be taken personally lol we're all just tryin to help


Anyhoo take care all!

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It's about giving up hope.


and oh ya, you said mix mASter, not mix mAXster. LOL I'm just bugging ya man lol.


Anyways, but yes in all reality is our choice. Our advice is only to enlighten and warn others so they know what they're getting into. In all reality, it's our decision as to how much we wish to fight for someone and its our choice whether or not we do nothing. To be honest, if it doesn't sound right, then one doesn't have to listen to it, but just be warned of the possible outcome. If it feels right to you, then do it.


But once again I WILL say it, there are those who get everything by doing nothing and those who get everything by DOING it all on their own. Those who work hard at it appreciate it more and get a better reward than those who have it handed to them. Don't think that things will just work themselves out if you believe they will, know what it is you have to do to make it work. I know my advice may not be the best, but I will say one thing. We can't expect to get very far if we just expect our "soul mate" to fall in our laps and as much as we want to believe "fate" will bring us together, when it comes down to it true love is not that easy. One has to work in order to receive any wanted outcome.


There is no such thing as failure if you believe it as being one step closer to success.

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I go to bed and there are 6 pages. I wake up and there are 14. What the hell happened here last night?!?!?!


Fate. I'll have to give this some thought.


I do believe that at the start of a relationship it is better to leave things to fate, but with a gentle nudge. I'm not gonna go out there and force myself to meet people - i'll let myself naturally weed out those who i know are no good, and i will thereforeeee eventually gravitate towards those who i will get on with amazingly well. Its about my selection...if ileave it to just happen naturally, i find that the relationship works out much better.


As for fate with other things tho, hard to say. Fate in terms of getting back together?? I'd like to think so - if its gonna happen, then its gonna happen. But there are certainly things that can be done to make this more or less likely. This is where we get back into the discussion of remaining on the periphery as a friend, or cutting ties to no contact.


Time for work. Half an hour ago

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Hey Ziggy, your last post sounds to me as your leaving us for good...If thats the case best of luck..>Thanks for the insight as to giving up the hope...it's sparked some great thoughts...


Getting back to my thoughts on Fate...Raider you made many good points as to why fate is not a reality....more of a hindsight (this is what happened, it must have been fate) If you believe in Fate, as it is, you have no control, which is not true...everyone has a certain amount of control in their lives...

There are reasons why things happen...I tend to think, what's going to happen is going to happen...there are certain things you can do (i.e. the gentle push to the ball at the top of the hill) to have whats going to happen happen in a way you want it to...


I think fate, or any topic along the lines of what's meant to be is meant to be really deals with more of an outline of our lives...I believe God has reasons for the things that happen to us, and what we do with them shapes our lives...My first love broke my heart, I learned that you have to really let yourself be open in a relationship, because if you close yourself off the other person will leave...I can look at every significant event in my life and way what I learned from it...Until I can do that with my current ex I can't let myself get over her, because until I realise why it all happened the only reason there is that in the end it's meant to be...If all of the sudden I have an epiphany and realise "this happened because..." I'd be able to let go and say okay thats the point...


life is like those "choose your own adventure" books...anybody ever read those as a kid...after each turn of events in the story you had a choice of what action to take and depending on which action you take the book can have different endings...It's exactly what life is...Say, after I met my ex, I had decided to still move out of that town right away instead of staying there all summer to see where things went with her, my life would be much different...I'd be in a different job, living with someone else, probably have had a relationship or two with different girls...It's that whole what if I had done this, or stayed with her...The "pushes" you give in life determine your fate...but you always have to push a little, or sometimes a lot...

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Which brings me to my next point.


Raider5, I have followed a lot of your threads and posts. Whilst, I am aware that you are the 'greatest asset on this forum', I think that your valuable insights would have more kudos if they were laced with a little more compassion. IMO it is not good enough to say that you are passionate and thereforeeee your words are often heated. We are all passionate in varying degrees, but we are also all entitled to voice our opinion without being subjected to your 'pity'.


From a personal point of view, I refuse to die for my ex, because I have children to live for. Does this mean that I love my ex less than someone who would take the grenade? I think not. Nor does it mean that I have not harboured the darkest thoughts from time to time. As I said, other things will keep me going during my heart-breaking moments. But I also know that I would not like to see my ex happy without me, because that would mean that he had made the right choice, and I do not think that he has, for either one of us.


G xx

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I understand what your saying but I'm never going to give up on the fact that we may go out again. Why you ask because when you love someone your willing to do anything so there I'm not giving up it's just a thing I don't do. So I'm going to keep trying no matter what but I will never give up.

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