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Neglect and LC


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Hey guys,


Some of you know my story but it's in my signature if you don't.


Basically, she left as she was being neglected and we're on LC, to see if we can rekindle things - is the complicated situation in a nutshell.


Anyway, a discussion with JBaker and some of the other posters on my 'Valentines and LC' thread, has had me thinking.


If the reason your ex left was because you neglected her, how much contact should you be making?


I say this as we're on LC with maybe a weekly face-to-face meeting, but I don't want to bombard her with texts and emails etc, but then again I don't want to come accross as neglectful again by barely contacting her.


Things are going well between us, so I don't want to over or under do it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'm sure others in my situation will benefit from the advice too.


Thanks guys,

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Well! I just looked at the vday thread and considering she suggested rekindling, I don't think it would hurt to make more contact. Maybe as well as seeing her once a week, give her a call in the middle of the week, just to say hi and catch up. Even sometimes just forward her a funny video on youtube or a link to something she would like, just to show her that she's on your mind and you want her to know it.

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Thanks Red, I think I am going to do that


Today we exchanged maybe 10 texts and we've arranged to meet on Thursday to do a bit of shopping and have a coffee


I think I'm going to start ramping up the contact a little, just a few more texts and cute/funny emails etc, here and there - it feels like the right thing to do.


Things do seem promising, but you never know.....

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