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Well we are now in full no contact - no more texts, no more emails, no more phone calls.


She took exception that i wanted her to have the kids the same amount of days as I had them, because she had night shifts i was taking the kids more than she was while she made her decision, once it was made, i asked her to take the kids a few days more (bear in mind this was literally 1 or 2 days a month), i emailed her and she went bonkers, phoned me, hung up on me, swore at me by text. I tried to resolve it this week but she was acting cold and aloof, so i texted her last night asking why she was being like this, and it denegrated into an argument, and i told her never to contact me again.


Its a shame that its came to this, I dont really know why she is acting like she is, i know she has a new boyfriend so who knows what he is feeding her, but its her loss anyway, I accepted her decision that it was over, and thats when the trouble started.


Anyway, this is the last entry from me on this, as I am over the split completely now, i wouldnt take her back, im just sad that it ended on a sour note, but when you realise how badly someone was as a partner for you, it opens your eyes and im having a fantastic time in my life right now, ive been happier than i have in so long without her, i hope she is happy and that things work out with her and her new fella, poor bugger dosent really know what he's letting himself in for, but he can find that out for himself, as long as he's good to my girls when he's around them, i have no problem with the guy, and I have no problem with her either, if she apologises for her behaviour, then im happy to be friendly with her again, but i suspect hell will freeze over before she admits she was in the wrong.


This forum has been a great help of support to me since i split, but unfortunately i didnt heed the advice given, and Id urge people not to make the same mistakes that i made, id have healed a lot quicker, if someone dumps you, go no contact, move on, and dont hope for a resolution, you never know, you might just find out like I did that the worlds a better place without your ex, I know mine is.

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