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Please Help!

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Alright i told the biggest lie... i said that i did a bunch of things with a guy but i didnt... now im afraid that my lie will hurt me and my friends... they still believe me but i dont know why its bugging me so bad now... please help me...i can never tell the truth so how do i handle this?



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Well the only way your going to feel better is by telling the truth. You lied to your friends. Why exactly did you? Did you think they wouldn't except you because if you didn't tell them that stuff? My advice would be to tell them the truth. They might get upset that you lied to them, but you really need to be honest. In the end they will respect you for telling them the truth, it will show that you want to be honest with them. Say something like "you know how I told you all that I did all that stuff with that one guy? well i actually really didn't & I feel horrible for saying I did, but I had to tell you the truth because I realize that being honest is the best thing for friendships." If they want to know why you lied, tell them why. Just be honest. There's no other way to tell you how to feel better about the lie than to just tell them the truth. No matter how hard you try, the fact that you lied to them will always be in the back of your mind.

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