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What to do now? (please help!)

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Well my ex and I have started to talk again. Today we went out for lunch together and had a really good time. I noticed that she has started to wear the ring that I gave her again, she took it off after we broke up but now its back on. She and her other ex were thinking of getting back together but she told me today that she wants to move on from him. In her online diary she wrote something about how her and this guy always knew exactly how the other was feeling (but i think of his lips and his eyes, and how he knew exactly what i meant

exactly exactly exactly we'd say

and it doesn't seem so sad anymore -Thats the excert, and she always talked about my eyes.)

. However she doesn't mention any names what so ever, I know its not a new guy because the title of the entry is "I swear I'll never hurt you again", also i think it might be about me because the url ends in ciggarettes (I'm the only guy that she's dated that smokes). I think that maybe she might be coming around and wanting to start dating again. She also said today that she missed us haning out and being together.


Now I'm stuck, I don't really know where to go from here. I want to ask her out on a date sometime really soon but I don't want to scare her away. Any advice is gladly welcomed!

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It seems to me that she does want something again. I think you should just continue hanging out with her a lot. Talk to her a lot. See how things go from there. If she's wearing your ring, thats a good sign that she wants you back. When things start going well, tell her you still have feelings for her. If she doesn't tell you anything back, ask her how she feels. Just keep talking to her & hanging out with her. Show her that you are still interested in her.

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Also today she took something of mine and kind of played cutsie keep away....


Aaaawwww young love starting up again - just take it slow okay Hannibal. No expectations - just go with the flow - and if things work out, great - if they don't, there will be plenty of time for you to find someone else to play "cutsie keep away with"


Best wishes,

Kung fu

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well i would go ahead and talk to her about it, tell her you have been thinking of asking her out again and ask her how she would feel about that. maybe tell her if she needs more time to just hang out and be friends again first that might help her feel more comfortable about it. well maybe that was about you though, would that be a good thing to you? or not? well i hope everything works out and you two will be happy together.

love Qtpie87

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I think just keep doing what you are doing & let things develop on their own. If you try to talk to her about it, she might get scared off. By her reactions it sounds like you are doing fine. Keep things casual & light, & happy. Judging by your descriptions of her recent actions, it sounds like she could working her way back.

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Alrighty, sounds good to me. Also one last thing, reccently I've gone through a suicidal stage in my life and I'm still constantly fighting depression. I want to talk to her about it so bad but I'm not sure weather I should or not because once again I do not want to scare her off or anything like that.

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You are right, talking to her about your depression could scare her off, esp. because she is still in the ambivalent stage right now. That would be best saved for sometime way, way down the road. It is a good sign that she's wearing the ring. Just keep doing what you're doing. (And not doing )

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I'm wondering on how much contact I should be making with her now. I asked her to go out for coffee tonight (not a date or anything) and she bailed on me. We have plans for next tuesday to go watch the hockey game......


Any suggestions as to if i should call her or let her phone me etc.

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