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I like this girl...

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Hello, first post and this is what's on my mind.

I'm 16 yrs old, high school junior and I have no experience in love whatsoever and am naive about any terms related to stuff like that. Any way there is this girl named Chantel who is pretty, intelligent, artisitc, and just lovely to be around. She calls me the "catholic school boy" due to how innocent I am and how kind and sweet I am. WE've been there for eachother like good friends should be and one time I told her that I liked her... her response was "*no response*" and that sorta deflated my self-esteem (have very little due to my upbringing and am terribly shy) She's called me sweet and cute often as well as talked with me about *maybe* going out to see a movie sometime... It's things like that that make me think that she may like me.. but her telling me of ppl she has a crush on and her obvious looks at other guys tends to say otherwise... so, any advice?

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It seems as though she likes you, but no more than a friend. I think this because if she knows you like her, she wouldn't be telling you about her crushes or flirt with other guys if she wanted to be more than just friends with you. Maybe she does think your cute & nice, but maybe your also just not her dating type. Just stay friends with her for now, who knows, her feelings could change.

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just because your not one girls type doesn't mean your no ones type! you are being negative about yourself just because one girl doesn't have feelings for you. thats one girl out of the billions of girls that you pass everyday. if you continue putting yourself down like this you are going to get depressed. try to stay positive. be who you are. if someone likes you only as a friend, thats also a good thing. it shows that you are a friendly person & people like being around you. just get to know more girls. eventually you will find the girl for you. life is full of ups & downs & obstacles, so don't let something like this stop you from being who you are & liking you for you. i can promise you that this won't be the first time this happens. it happens to everyone, more than once. life goes on. there are other people. just think, if you think this girl is perfect but yet she's not meant for you, think about how perfect that girl who is meant for you must be.

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but they may want that certain girl cause they are ALL different and if you have found the one you wish to be with then i geuss that says it all for its self...

i mean... i like this girl a work, shes perfect beautiful, smart, careing, got a sense of humor and better for me still religious

And heres me... in love with this women. we say hi, i talk to her bout what im doing and done she seem to be just listening to me.... oh great....

now im confused....

what do i do i have never really looked deep into my "feelings" before ive always been the one that doesnt care. im just overwhielmed by her....


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Well in my opinion i think that you should tell her jermaine. You owe it to yourself to find out for sure. IF you do ask... she may not go out with you... if you don't ask... she'll never go out with you. As they say it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do.

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