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my ex left me for another guy about 2 weeks ago. We had gone out for about a year and a half and were very close up until recently when we had a shaky patch. When she broke up she said she wanted to still be friends but she sure hasnt acted that way. Weve talked a few times online and shes nice there but that was just right after the breakup. In school she will look at anyone but me. And if shes talking to me she wont look at me. Every once and a while i see her look at me from the other side of the room in class but thats it. When she does talk to me its just an insult. We had a few classes that we sat next to eachother in and she moved to the other side of the class in one and sits next to this other guy. And in the other she knows no one else so she still sits near me. Truthfully im disgusted by how shes acting but i would like to know y shes treating me like crap. I havent done anything. I was angry when i found out but after that ive just been trying to be friendly seeing summer break is almost here and then i wont have to see her for 2 months itll just make things easier having to be with her all day. Do you think shes actually mad at me or she just doesnt know how to act around me.

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If it's fresh after breakup, she doesn't want to send the message that there is still hope for the relationship.


My ex did the same thing, it hurt so much to see the person you love treat you so coldly.


It's best for you to try and heal first before being friends with her. It doesn't work when you are trying to get her back and she just wants to be friends. I would advise a period of no contact until you feel you are ready. When you can accept that your ex may be seeing other people, it's a good chance that you are healed.


No contact is hard, but you really do need it for yourself. Try to keep busy and talk it out with friends. It helps a lot. There will be days where you might take a step back in healing and the pain comes back. Take it slow, there are better days ahead.

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Aye, I am healing now too mate. What I am doing is just talkin to my friends a bunch. At times I will strike on her bad points to my friends to get some anger out, even though I still trully love her. And because I love her so much, I can't be friends with her yet. Time is still necessary. You have to put some bad thoughts into your head to help heal sometimes I think. Sure you will get hit hard with some pain from time to time. But at that time you must do everything in your power to not talk to her. I talk to her from time to time. Like if we are passing in the halls we will smile. Sometimes I will just go up to her, touch her on the shoulder and say thank you. It helps me heal easier. Knowing that she knows I still love her makes me happy. I don't care if she loves me back or not right now, because thats her life. You just gotta think that your life is ok.. and theres stuff out there to do, other than spend time with her.


Hard to see at first, because all your fun, all your weekends are left open and free... and you just don't know how to get back to the single life again. Its soo hard to do.



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I just had to say that the same exact thing has happened to me with my ex boyfriend.. only worse b/c we're in all the same classes together b/c we're in a small major at our college o.O. I feel your pain, its tough.. and confusing for me I can't even figure out how to act around him, b/c I still want to be more than a friend to him. I don't know what to say. But I think I agree you should just do no contact with her use this time to heal, thats the same thing that I'm doing. Whatever happ[ens after that, at least you'll have this time to heal to prepare with whatever happens when you'll see her again.

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Whoa there Buddy!!


I did the samething.

I ignored my ex and etc..

I thought I was doing great on "no contract rule" thought it was workign well.


I notice my ex still talks to me on aim.. sometime i block her..

or tell her to leave me alone.


I hardly talk to her at all..


maybe I want her to feel the pain i have gone throught... but

I'm not sure.. I think I mess up my entire plan of getting my ex back....


This suck.. Just realize it now

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i know how it feels too hun. my ex boyfriend cheated on me with what you can call a friend when i found out about it by his bestfriend he denied it. we broke up and nows hes back and hes doing it again. all i can say is hang in there and whatever you do dont hurt yourself its not worth it. wish you the best of luck

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