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She wont say if she's interested or not..?


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I've been on three dates with this girl. Everything seems good, we have fun. But I can't tell if she's really in to me. She keeps accepting my offers to go out which is good i guess. But she shrugs off complements (not that I'm doting on her or anything, just a casual complement on her appearance or outfit or whatever every now and then). I told her I had a great time the first time we went out, and that I'd like to see her again. She didnt say anything back so I asked her what she thought about it, and she invited me out to a bar later this week. She seems interested, but I can't get anything verbal out of her to reassure me that I'm not wasting my time. Am I being too needy?

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I've been on three dates with this girl. Everything seems good, we have fun. But I can't tell if she's really in to me. She keeps accepting my offers to go out which is good i guess. But she shrugs off complements (not that I'm doting on her or anything, just a casual complement on her appearance or outfit or whatever every now and then). I told her I had a great time the first time we went out, and that I'd like to see her again. She didnt say anything back so I asked her what she thought about it, and she invited me out to a bar later this week. She seems interested, but I can't get anything verbal out of her to reassure me that I'm not wasting my time. Am I being too needy?


Read between the lines, if she's planning to do things with you than obviously there's some interest there. It doesn't always take someone to have to verbally say that they like you. And not to put you out there, but this is exactly the problem we guys tend to have with women. We have trouble reading the sign language and we don't pick up on what's going on until it's too late and she's already moved on. So just pay attention to little things like that cause it does mean something...

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I think you're right. It's tough to convince myself to keep putting in the effort if she's just looking to turn me into a friend. Guess I just need to try to kiss her and I'll have my answer


Yes. They won't tell us, but they want us to be able to pickup on these things and to execute. That's it. And if you can execute, you're in for it.

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i think she's interested. i think she might be a bit self-conscious or have low-self esteem and can't just say 'thank you' to a compliment. she should learn how to take a compliment graciously. apart from that, i think that since she suggested meeting up, she sounds interested. keep seeing where it goes!

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It can be hard, but yes, you should just push on. If after another date or two she still hasn't said anything, then ask her about it.


Unfortunately, ladies often take the passive approach and hope we get the idea. They don't want to seem too eager. However, after a while this can get dreary and can highly demotivate a guy. Ironically, when he loses interest and stops calling, she asks herself..."What did I say?"


I'm in a new relationship and after a a few dates I asked her about it. She thought I wanted her to tell me she loved me etc etc, but all I wanted to her to say she was looking forward to our next date, or she was excited to see me, or at least something more than she was just a lump of flesh being taken out. When she figured out I wasn't trying to hurry her to any grand spanning love statement, she told me that she was thinking the lines, but wasn't sure why she didn't say them. She is now saying them and I am feeling very much like she is interested or enjoying my company. I thought that was the case before but it is nice to hear it said.



There is a book out there called "the five love languages" and one of them is affirmations. While you can figure out that she likes you, hearing it said is important to you.

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I've been on three dates with this girl. Everything seems good, we have fun. But I can't tell if she's really in to me. She keeps accepting my offers to go out which is good i guess. But she shrugs off complements (not that I'm doting on her or anything, just a casual complement on her appearance or outfit or whatever every now and then). I told her I had a great time the first time we went out, and that I'd like to see her again. She didnt say anything back so I asked her what she thought about it, and she invited me out to a bar later this week. She seems interested, but I can't get anything verbal out of her to reassure me that I'm not wasting my time. Am I being too needy?



Sometimes you don't need verbal assurance. The key to a good date and/or to see if it has potential is the kiss. have you kissed her yet? I am assuming not yet. But do kiss her and if she kisses you back means things are good, if not then you know you are wasting your time.

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