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Girlfriend cheated and i need to know how to bring it up

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I just found out tonight that my girlfriend cheated on me about two weeks ago. i found this out from a friend. my girlfriend told this to her on prom night, at my girlfriend's house as we camped out. that wsa 4 days ago. my friend just told me today, and i am mad i didnt know sooner, but glad that she told me. my girlfriend and i have been dating for 7 months today, but have had a strained relationship over a long period of time latley, and now with this added information i dont know what to do. i am resolved to talk with her. we set a date for friday earlier today, before i knew, and i think im going to bring it up then. ive thought over beating around the bush, and just out right saing i know. im not sure which the best path would be. any help on how to speak to her about it would be an immense comfort. this is the first time this has happened to me and i dont know how to handle it

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Well the only thing that I can think of is when you go with her out be very friendly with her dont pressure her to talk to you about it just be calm and cool and just tell her how you feel about the situation if she really cares for you and you care for her then it is worth talking over mabe you can ask why she did it and when and if u do ask nicely dont be mean or try to get alot out of her because you probably wont in my opinion it is just so wrong to do that i never done it myself and never will because if u care for someone that is not something you do I would say talk to her about it calmly and dont get mean and loud just make her feel comfortable talking to you and mabe she will open up to why she did it and why it took so long to come out with it


Good luck with everything I hope that you will be able to find out why and mabe u 2 can make things work past what happen

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Talk to her. Tell her how you feel. Then walk away, and tell her you are done with her. I mean this. If you act like a puppy, and tell her it is okay and I forgive you, she will treat you like a rag doll. You have to be a man in this situation and do what is right.


She cheated on you, all the trust is gone, unfortunately she will have to pay the reaper.


Then again, be careful what you hear through the grape vine. Unless you are one hundred percent sure then do not proceed the way I suggested.


But if you are sure, kick her to the curb, make her realize what she lost. And in the meantime, do some thinking as to if you could ever turly forget it. You may forgive, but will you forget?


She disrespects you by being with another and you are questioning whether or not to talk with her. Come on!. D you respect yourself whatsover. Forget about making her feel comfortable, this about you NOT her at ALL. If you have to yell go ahead, if you think you can do this in a more civilized manor even better. The longer you wait the worst it will get.


THis really does say something about your relationship. I know, if I had heard my girlfriend was with someone else, I would have a difficult time NOT telling her.


And, I also have a feeling that this has gotten back to her. She most likely knows that you know she cheated. What would happen if you were in her shoes and you cheated and she knew, wouldnt you question as to why she was not saying anything?

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