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Friends with BENEFITS?

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Ok well heres my story. My friend was friends with these 2 guys named Mike aka FLIP and Eric. Im gonna be callin mike flip. Well When my friend Melisa and I was walking she saw them and I was introduced to them. They were very cute, but seemed 2 be all into sex and thats it. I mean I just met them and they both was huggin me and was tryin 2 kiss me. I wouldnt let either of them but we were pretty close ya know. Well I gave him my number and he gave his 2 me. Well last nite him Melisa me and my other friend hung out with flip and Eric. Flip and I did almost everything but sex. Just think. Hes pretty nice, but I hear hes a playa which dont bother me all that much cuz if hes playin me then so wut...wut am I gonna do cry? I mean hah na im not gonna cry over a guy I new 2 days. Not happening, its not even that I like him? I mean it may sound weird hes cute and all hes got the whole package BUT....I think I am only doin this stuff with him cuz I want attention. I mean yeah...im not like that this guy is the first I eva did this stuff to. But....I love to feel wanted. Is that weird? Any advice, im seein him later 2nite so dont say ditch the guy....cuz like I said he may b playin me but I am kinda doin the same thing

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Hey I think i know whatcha doin. I think that is fine... sometimes attention is great to have. Just make sure that nothing bad happens, make sure you don't give him your heart unless he is willing to give is. I personally wouldn't have sex with the guy... sex always adds other emotions to girls. (I am a guy lol). If you are comfortable and happy, then its fine I would think.



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